Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cloche Party

It is time for "The Cloche Party" hosted by Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life . Thank you Marty for hosting this fun event.
I don't have a whole lot to contribute to the party, since I don't decorate a lot for Fall. I did change out one of my cloches for a Fall look Used the moss that was already in there, added one of a pair of birds , 2 faux pumpkins and a faux gourd.
A simple centerpiece. I put faux gourds (think there is a small pumpkin or two in there), a few cinnamon sticks and small pinecones in the hurricane candle holder/vase. Then added the birds, as I thought the colors went well with it all, and changed out the candles.
I already had all of the supplies needed for both projects. The only new purchase was the small pot of mums added to the centerpiece (see header).
I am really looking forward to seeing what Marty, and all the other participants have to share for the party. If you have not already, you can check out the party at
Have a great weekend.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Both of them are so lovely. I love your cloche and the jar is just wonderful. I especially love the little bird and how frustrated he is. This is just too cute. Thank you so much for joining the party. I love it all. Hugs, Marty

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Glenda! I love all of your cute birdies and that birdcage!! How funny that the little guy is wondering why his friend is under glass!! lol Happy weekend...Debbie

Brenda Pruitt said...

Fall seems to be in the air in Blogland, but not in Texas yet! Wherever it is, send it our way please!

Michelle said...

Gorgeous fall colors and so pretty under glass!

Sue said...

Hi Glenda, I think you did a lovely job using the dried gourds, cinnamon sticks, and pinecones in the tablescape and header photo. I like that you placed the jar on the mirror for reflection.
Poor little birdie looking for his friend... At least it isn't "pheasant" under glass! tee hee
:-) Sue

Anonymous said...

Glenda - You did a great job with your fall things! I love the birds. I just purchased three just like them at our local resale shop for $3.00. I love them and think they will be great to use this fall. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Glenda....this is all awesome girl...Love the little birdie looking for it mate too funny..Hope you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Karen said...

Too cute! I thought that same thing about my owl! They looked so trapped in those things!
Thanks for sharing!
Karen @ Some Days Are Diamonds

Moore Minutes said...

I want little birds like you have! Love them. <3

xinex said...

Very cute, Glenda. Love all the birds too!...Christine

Tracy said...

Everything looks great! Your little birds are adorable, I think I'll try to incorporate some of mine with the fall decorating - never thought of it!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Really cute! I like the size of your cloche! Not too big, not too small!:)

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Glenda...

How sweet! Love your pretty fall cloche and the sweet little birds! Hehe...too cute, better watch that cloche...I have a feeling that birdie is going to try a break his buddy out!

This really is a beautiful centerpiece...I especially like the two birds that you have used with it...they're so sweet looking!!!

Warmest wishes,

Blue Creek Home said...

The little talking bird is so cute!!
Did his little friend ever get out???
Your cloches are lovely.

From the Old InkWell said...

Glenda, How cute!!! Please, let that birdie out! I'm feeling bad for her sweetie. :)

Anonymous said...

you can't go wrong with the birdies! :)

Sarah said...

Cute post. Love the talking bird. If you have time stop by my Tablescape Thursday for table inspired by the birds. ~ Sarah ~

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Hi Glenda!

Your cloche looks great and I love your centerpiece! Simple and elegant!


Anonymous said...

Everything looks great! I love your little birds!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Beautiful arrangements and fall colors! Cute little birdies! Cindy

susan said...

I call this decorating for fall! Guess the bird wanted to make sure they weren't on the menu :)

Julie said...

Your cloche looks great and I love your centerpiece! I love your little birds! I am having a give a way hope you can stop over...

Decor To Adore said...

Your arrangements are so pretty. I love what you have done for the cloche party!

Alicia said...

So beautiful. I love all the great fall colors and your birds are so cute. I especially love the poor little talking birdie in the last picture. Hopefully he will be reunited with his best bud soon :-)

Thanks for playing and please swing by and see my first attempt!

P.S. Love the header!

Slice of Pie said...

Very pretty. I love the birds. Hope you'll visit with me!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh they are both so lovely. Love the bird comment. What a precious addition to your post. Beautiful Fall decorations. Thanks for sharing. Country hugs, Sherry

Tootsie said...

I love the fall decor you used!!!
you have such pretty things in your post today....I think I will stroll around your very lovely blog a bit longer...just thought I'd stop and say hi....
oh...I am a Glenda too!!!
nice to meet ya Glenda!

Jane said...

Both of your cloches are so pretty. I love the fall arrangements.

Jane (Artfully Graced)

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

This is very pretty! I love the caption of the bird talking!


Saucy said...

So creative! That poor little birdie is in a panic, please release his friend :)

Glad to meet you at this party. Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the fall.

Unknown said...

Hey Glenda! Your large cloche is so cool! Funny birds too... Love Your Fall colors!
~Really Rainey~

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Your fall touches look great! I havent put anything out yet. Its still in the 90s here!

Thanks for stopping by!

suzeeez said...

Hi Glenda,
Your fall decorating is beautiful ! I love your cloche display and your hurricane and your other bird made me laugh.
It's all very pretty that it's starting to give me the fall decorating bug.

Have a great day. :o) Sue

Barb said...

Hi Glenda, your cloche are pretty.

Love your new header, too.

Barb :-)

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Glenda, I love your cloche..and your new header is beautiful.. hugs ~lynne~

Bill said...

Hi Glenda,
It all looks great! My favorite part was the "Hey lady!" Such a clever idea!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!


ellen b said...

Hi Glenda! I really like the added birdies in your great displays...

nannykim at spindle cottage said...

I love these--I love birds and this is wonderful!! soooo cute. And your header and table area is terrific!

Ana said...

Hi Glenda,
I really like how your centerpiece turned out. I love the mirror you added...what a great idea. It looks very nice. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh Glenda, how cute is that bird asking about his friend under glass! Love it! Your header picture is beautiful, and so is your cloche and your apothocary jar. laurie

Melissa Miller said...

Very pretty Glenda! Your sweet birdie cloches are precious. :)

Anonymous said...

How perfectly adorable! I just love your sense of humor and style.

Kammy said...

HI Glenda !
I love the caption with the birdie all worried about his partner..too cute !
Thanks for visiting me during/after my surgery - your sweet words ment the world !!!
Hugs ~ Kammy

Oliva Ohlson said...


M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Hee-hee! Great sense of humor! But you did a great job! I LOVE FALL!!!!

A New England Life said...

One of these days I'm going to find myself a cloche! Until then, yours looks so pretty. I like the fall look : )


Debra@CommonGround said...

Your little birds are just darling, and your tablescape vignette is beautiful. Thanks for coming by, Have a great weekend!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Hee hee hee, love your cloche, but LOVE the talking bird!! Linda @Nina's Nest

Myrna said...

Gorgeous fall display! I love the little sweet!

Sharing with Sherri said...

Just darling cloche displays! You did such a nice job! I love the touch of humor too!

Oh, and thanks for visiting! Please come again any time!


Unknown said...

Very Pretty! I kinda did the same thing. Great minds must think a like!
Have a great evening! :)

The Tattered Cottage said...

Hi Glenda !
I LOVE your fall decor. You have inspired me to get out my fall decor :) and start decorating. I Love Fall!!

Denise Marie said...

very cute post!

Heidi said...

Hi Glenda,
You are always so great about visiting, thank you!
I love your little birdies - they are adorable. I think the fall decor on you table looks great. There's plenty there to put you in the mood for the coming season - you don't need to do the whole house to get the point across!
Have a great week, hope you'll visit again soon.
Heidi Heart and Home

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

LOve your birdies!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh, poor little bird!

Hahaha... very cute. I really like the hurricane glass with the gourds -- very nice. I am reluctantly bending to Fall decor; Howard brought home a big pumpkin yesterday and set it by the back door. Oh well. All good things must end I guess. .. goodbye summer!