Laurie @ "Saturday's Favorite Things"
Cundy @ "Show and Tell"
Be sure and visit these ladies who are hosting these weekly events. It is always fun to see what others have to share.
Part of a conversation the other evening when neighbor was watering her plants.
ME - Here, let me do that. It is muddy and slippery and you are going to fall. I won't type the next thing I said !

Bet you can't guess who these jeans belong to ? Lets just say - I had ibuprofen for breakfast the next morning. That sums it up ! :-D
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Ha! So something I would do Glenda!
Love the birdcage.
Love the birdcage! Cute picture of the pants...hope you are OK.
Mud is a constant here. Hope it was a soft landing.
I bought another cage this weekend. The man said, as long as you're not thinking of getting another bird!
Wow! That birdcage is gorgeous. I have an addiction to them, too! Great buy!
I hope you're feeling better after that "dirty" fall. : (
Thank you, Glenda, for your kind words after my mom passed away. They meant a lot to me.
Mary Lou
Oh, no. I hope you didn't hurt your back. That birdcage is gorgeous. I had a couple of parakeets when I was a kid. We let them out of the cage all the time. I played with them and taught them to say things and do little tricks. They both died of pneumonia when they were only about 2 years old. I remember my mom saying our climate wasn't appropriate because they were tropical. So none of us believed in purchasing them ever again. I think my love of birds since then is why I have about 10 cages. ALL EMPTY. Sorry for yakking.
It is fabulous, Glenda. I love birdcages too and have a number of them.
Barb ♥
Oh dear, hope you didn't hurt yourself!!
The birdcage is wonderful! I haven't been to HL in months but I'm going this Saturday and can't wait to see what's new!
Great bird cage and oh my you fell!?
What a wonderful birdcage. Hope you aren't too sore!
Just love that birdcage!! I so wish we had one of those stores near us!!
Great minds think alike - I just picked that birdcage up at Hobby Lobby too! I love it and the price was right too! Have a great weekend! ~Marcy
Birdcage -- beautiful!
Mud -- even better. Oh my, Glenda, that just proves that old saying: "no good deed goes unpunished!"
I once slid and fell SPLAT in flood mud -- I feel your pain. Literally.
Love the bird cage!!!! I'm considering getting one myself!
The jeans.....the mud......your words left untyped......hysterical.
Sorry about the fall, though.
Someone's been painting! :)
Oh no, Glenda, hope you feel better!!
Love the birdcage. As if for me, I'd paint it white ;)
Thanks for the nice comment about my studio!
cute birdcage! I love to shop at Hobby Lobby!
I love birdcages too. Wish we had a Hobby Lobby here! Hope your didn't hurt yourself too bad with that muddy fall! Thank God for Ibuprofin.
Oh my! I am glad you didn't break something. I have not been to HL in a while--too hot to go any place not absolutely necessary. I do love your bird cage and I am glad you are the one who found it--it will have a good home :) Did you love that storm??!!
I meant to tell you--LOVE your header!
Been there done that my sweet friend. And I love that bird cage - great bargain!!
Love the bird cage find though. ~ Sarah
Great price on your beautiful new bird cage, Glenda.
Haven't been by since your mishap. Finally have time for serious blog browsing, this morning! Hope you are feeling better by now!
Glenda, what a great find that was! Your bird cage is so pretty. I'm so glad you linked it to Favorite Things Sat. I'm so sorry you fell in the mud. That will teach you to try to do a good deed. laurie
Just me again. Your header is so pretty. laurie
Glenda, I hope you're not too sore! Ouch... I like your new header- so bright and fresh.
hugs, Sue
I love birdcages, too! Hope you're not sore this morning! ♥
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