I tried to do some "junkin" last weekend - but guess it was not meant to be. Want to add to my stash of vintage "bling" to repurpose, so scanned estate sales for my area - nothing of interest and it is still to cool for yard sales. Then the "light flickered upstairs" - flea market this weekend! Yep - that is where I will go - even put on a full coat of makeup ( just in case I run into someone important). Checked "moo lah" supply, grab a bottle of water and snack size m&m's (gotta have a quick sugar boost some times you know), and off I go.
Or so I thought ! Hmmm! Let me think here a minute! If I get in my car, crank it up, put in reverse and floor board it real hard, what is the possibility of me being able to move that SUV out of my way that is double parked behind me. Well - Maybe not good.
Next choice: Analyze the situation and decided maybe, just maybe I can do some real creative maneuvers and get out without leaving a blemish on mine or their "metal babies" - Or what ever they make vehicles out of these days. Who does that thing belong to anyway?.
Well - Glory be: After some real creative driving and almost out, I see this human run out, hold up their hand for me to stop, they jumped in the SUV and moved it from behind me and then parked in someone's reserved place. I lowered my window and said "Ma'am" (could only see their back). Well - Ok! They were no Ma'am! He came around the fence and He had some pretty, long hair in the back, but also had a mustache in the front.
I think I said - Sorry, then said - thought you need to know (I wanted to say - can't you read the sign?), you parked in someone's reserved parking place and she will have your vehicle towed. I know who the person is that reserves the parking place and trust me - I knew this person was not connected to them.
"He" proceeded to tell me that they were moving - yada - yada - yada!!!
I think I said Have a Nice Day - At that point I am already wanting a m&m fix (it don't take much).
Okee Dokee!! I am on the road and get almost to where I am going and thought - why is the traffic so heavy, and why are there traffic patrol cars out, and people in bright yellow vest directing traffic? Then I saw the sign CIRCUS ! That is when I should have turned around and headed in the other direction - but NO! I wanted "bling". So, I took my chances and made that left hand turn, edged along in a sea of traffic past the arena where the circus was being held, then past where early voting for something was going on and added to the traffic, then get in the section where the flea was being held. What can I can say - I drove, and drove, and drove, and ............Well you get the picture - this was a situation a snack size package of m&ms was NOT going to fix! There is NO parking - NONE - ZILCH ! Oooops! Sorry - did not mean to yell !
So I said -Dab of This and That - This is NOT your day to shop for "bling" - You best go find something else to do for the day. Soooo.......I left the area, stopped to buy gas (that put a dent in the wallet), picked up Chinese takeout and went home.
Friend called later, and said - Hi! Where have you been? I almost yelled - but kept my composure.
Answer to the issue: Easy - get up early Sunday morning, get "fluffed and puffed" and arrive at the flea when they open at 8 AM, since the circus won't start til early PM! Well.........Let's just say Sunday morn rolled around, jumped (crawled) out of bed, had my morning coffee, etc.. While brushing teeth, I looked in the mirror and asked (yes - I have talked to myself before) - Do you really want to do this ????
So...........I reheated my coffee and turned on the computer.
So - What did you do last weekend?