Thursday, January 2, 2014

Colors of Winter...

Or lack thereof......
Hope it is warmer where you are, because it is cold and everything is very drab/lacking in pretty colors here.  After watching the national news today, I am very much aware it is much colder in other parts of the country.  Makes me shiver just typing that.
Linking up with "Mosaic Monday"
                           "Outdoor Wednesday"

I  confess - I still have a bit of color in my courtyard.  A real pumpkin left over from my Fall decor is still sitting outside my back door.  I suspect it is frozen at this point and when things thaw out, it will collapse into a pile of mush.
Hope everyone is having a great week and staying warm !!



Our Hopeful Home said...

We're at 5.4 right now, expecting a low of -25 tonight, no kidding. Thank God for heat. And down comforters! I don't think I've been out of the house for a week. A foot of snow and way too cold, hopefully by next week it'll be a bit more bearable. Happy New Year, Glenda!

20 North Ora said...

Brrr! I'm so tired of this weather already. Am ready to go someplace warm and sunny.


Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Oh my goodness, look at that fountain of ice. Brr! Stay warm Glenda.

Cheryl said...

Here in Central California we are having warmer than normal weather... It has been in the high 60's! Almost 70! Needless to say, when it gets warm outside, I am outside! lol
Happy-happy New year Glenda. Its going to be yet another fabulous year isn't it?
big hugs,

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I don't ever remember a winter iso cold and staring out so early in the season. Not fun!

xinex said...

It freezes here at night too but it was sunny and 41 degrees at noon today. Tomorrow will be warmer. Stay warm, Glenda. I miss FL....Christine

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I'm tired of the cold already and we have a few more days of it. Snow maybe on Monday!

podso said...

We're still hoping for some real winter here in the south--one nice snow storm would be good. The frozen fountain photo is amazing! Good depiction, the collage, of the cold.

eileeninmd said...
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EG CameraGirl said...

So far it has been unusually cold here in Ontario. It just makes us all long for an early spring. ;)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Very, very cold here! Low temps we haven't seen in long time. Brrrr.

Lorrie said...

Not terribly cold on the west coast. I'm wishing for a little snow.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

We're buried under snow right now and as a Canadian, I'm used to it. We just dig out and carry on. :-)

eileeninmd said...

Your wintry mosaic does look cold. We are having the cold weather, snow and freezing rain..I am ready for Spring to come.. I like your talking squirrel, he wants inside where it is warm and cozy. Have a happy week!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Not only crabby but frigid temps and high winds! Brrrrr! Will be off go work soon,but fl hood people will stay af home! My very beet to you ans a bug of sunshine as well! Cathy

Shane Pollard said...

Hello Glenda
Oh I wish I could send you some of our New Zealand sunshine!!!
Most of my blog pals are either in Canada or the States so I'm aware of the harshness of your winter.
Beautiful photos - you will enjoy looking back on them once the weather warms up!

I'm visiting from Mosaic Monday.
Take care on those icy roads.
Sending you warming hugs and a locket full of sunbeams!!!
PS I'm your newest follower!

Shane Pollard said...

That was meant to read:
a POCKET full of sunbeams!!