JUST A RAMBLE: Thought I would drop in, so no one would think I disappeared. Been doing things, but nothing blog worthy, like income taxes (started on, but not completed), cleaning leaves out of flower beds, etc., etc.. I paid a high price for cleaning out the leaves and Winter debris - my back was just not ready for that just yet. :( Just trying to get some of the "chores" done, so I can start on some fun projects. We have had some great weather the last several days, but that came to an end. Still have the warmer temps, but rain showed up and looks like will be here off and on for the next couple of days.
I AM READY: Don't know about the rest of you, but I am really looking forward to changing over to Daylight Saving Time this weekend. As many of you know from reading my mumblings and grumblings, I am not a Winter person. I need longer days, warmer (Not hot) temps, sunshine - glorious sunshine, and I am way past due for a burger or a good hot dog cooked on the grill.
I would like to say
THANKS to everyone that drops by to read my ramblings, to those that leave a comment letting me know you are out there and your opinions , and to those that visit, read and leave quietly. There are many of you out there - Got my meter report today stating I had over 700 visitors in the last week alone! When I started blogging in Nov., 2008, I had no clue so many people would be interested in what I have to say or do. Thanks to those that have become Readers (also known as Followers, but I like the term Reader). I have met many bloggers out there, that I would not have known about otherwise.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
ETA: That is one of MANY squirrels that frequent my courtyard daily! My area is heavily populated - Anyone out there need some squirrels?