Frozen Pansy Popcicles - Anyone?
I guess I could have gotten out and taken better pictures, so you could see what it really looked like, but IT WAS TO COLD ! ! Actually, it looked worse later because everything was covered in ice. The trees were pretty, but it is so dangerous. I did not lose power, but some in the area were not as fortunate. What melts today will refreeze tonight as it will be in the teens. So much for the weather report! :-)
Don't know about you, but I can get a lot of mileage out of a rotisserie chicken.
Hope no one was expecting to see a home cooked chicken, straight out of the oven with a wonderful recipe to follow. :-D Not when they were $4.99, and someone else did the work!
When I did my "PreSnow" grocery shopping, I bought one and it has been the base for lunch and dinner for 3 meals now, so I will use the last of it today to make soup, or chicken and noodles, or how about a chicken casserole. Chicken salad sounds good, but I want hot food these days.
The pineapple is not hot, but it sure has been good. Buying fresh pineapple can be a gamble sometimes, but this one was so sweet - delicious.
Don't know what I thought I could accomplish with that little knife.
Much better -
Like the title said, just a Dab of This and That.
Now off to see what I can make out of the rest of the chicken. :-)
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, regardless of what the weather is like in your part of the world.