I have managed to mark a few things off my "list" the couple of days. Nothing exciting, but did.......
l. Attempt to repair corner of counter. During the holidays , my counter was involved in a head on collision (not the counter's fault). :( Lets just say my kitchen work area is small/narrow, and there is not enough room for extra "bodies" in there at the same time. Especially when someone is in a hurry and had to get by right then. The corner of the counter gets caught on their jeans and gets broken off
(jeans survived with no injuries). From what I have found out, it would be pretty pricey to have it professionally repaired, so ............
I glued the piece back on, taped up with masking tape until the glue dried. I used z6000 glue and am hoping for the best. I have gorilla glue, but from past experience I found that it expands as it dries and was afraid of ending up with a "big" mess. Crossing my fingers, that this works.
When I bought this place, the counter tops were the original ones and in really bad shape. Five years later, I broke down and had them replaced. Turned into a very expensive, nightmare of a job. Lets just say it is very doubtful that I will ever have a certain HD do a big job like that for me again. Started in mid July and not finished properly until November of that particular year. I could write a book on that ordeal ! :(
So...... When this happened, I thought my blood pressure was going to peak out. I picked up the broken piece off the floor, put it on top of the microwave and took a deep breath while
mumbling under my breath. I am just now getting around to doing anything about it, and
NO it was not me that did the damage
(for a change).2. Clean out and shred old bank statements, expired insurance polices, and such.
Still have medical statements, etc. to do, but that is listed as a separate item.
3. Change bag on
downstairs vacuum cleaner.
Check4. Last of Christmas decor back in storage - except what I am getting rid of.
5. Wash and rehang sheer in guest room. Washed, but not rehung - may replace with something else. Half of a check!
6. Clean out fridge and freezer (where does some of this stuff come from). I really think the contents of my fridge has babies. Anyway......Check
7. Haul "stuff" to car to take to GW. Check
8. Cover gray.
Check (and I am not talking walls here either) :-DQuestion: Have you ever dropped a hand full of angel hair pasta on the kitchen floor ?!?! Take my word - try to avoid doing that ! Days after you think it is all cleaned up, you will continue to find pieces - that stuff multiplies !
Just a mumbling: My place looks like a storm came thru. I pull something out, start working on it and to often just walk away and start something else. I use to be more organized -
I really did. I am starting to get "cabin fever" , so will use that as my excuse for now.
Enjoy your week, and stay warm.