Why the picture of wild violets, when 2 - 4 ins. of snow is predicted during the night/early morning ? Just to remind myself that Spring will be here before long - I hope.......
I feel sure many of you in the land of blog are saying "couple inches of snow - what is the big deal"? Around here, that small amount sends many into a tail spin, and in a panic to get to the store for that "gotta have loaf of bread, milk and other necessities such as junk food, etc.". Of course being Christmas night, that may really send some into a panic mode, as most places closed early today, so hopefully most will have enough holiday treats to tied them over. :-D Christmas decor still out and here I am looking forward to Spring and warmer temps.
Hard to believe in a few more days, we will be starting a new year. As I said long ago - I don't make resolutions! However, in the upcoming year I hope to get more accomplished, and start thinking about future plans. If you read along much, you know I am always mentioning the infamous "L" word. Well - One of my goals is to redo those "L's", make my priorities and get more done, than to just "think/talk" about what I need/want to do. Hopefully, I will get certain things accomplished to a point, where I can get some much needed repairs/updates done next Spring. Of course I would get more accomplished if I spent less time on the computer, but then I would miss surfing around the land of blog and seeing what all the creative/talented bloggers have been up to lately. Sigh - Decisions, decisions !
My main family get together is still to come due to other schedules and travel times.
Hope everyone has been enjoying the Holidays
ETA: 12/26/12 - Did not get the 2 to 4 inches predicted - just a heavy dusting, which is fine with me...
Picture I took last Winter, but if I took one of the same spot this morning, it would be almost identical. To cold to go out and take one this morning as it is 30 degrees (feels like 20) as I type this update.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
From My Home to Yours
Merry Christmas !
From My Home
to Yours!!
Hope everyone is enjoying this "Wonderful Time of the Year !!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Creativity Going On.....
but not at my house!
Remember this sweet face.....
Well, he resides in a home where all this is going on....
Do you think his owner likes a "certain team" ? :-D
I was told the "furbaby" does not bother the tree or packages. It seems that a certain "little, red haired, cupid" (won't mention any names) is the one that has to be watched.
Yes - in case you are wondering! That is a big, red, pretty cabinet .
Speaking of the "little, red haired, cupid" - she is sporting her new hair clip her Mother made for her.
Hey Mom!! Got a bit of bling to tuck inside that flower ?!?
Think she said the yarn she used for this scarf is called fruit salad...
No real creativity going on at my place right now, so thought I would share what is happening at the "little, red haired cupid's" abode.
Linking to: "Favorite Thing Saturday"
"Make it Pretty Monday"
"Tweak It Tuesday"
"Wow Us Wednesday"
"Show and Tell Friday"
Remember this sweet face.....
I was told the "furbaby" does not bother the tree or packages. It seems that a certain "little, red haired, cupid" (won't mention any names) is the one that has to be watched.
Yes - in case you are wondering! That is a big, red, pretty cabinet .
Sorry for the blurry pics - daughter sent them from her phone.
Think she said the yarn she used for this scarf is called fruit salad...
No real creativity going on at my place right now, so thought I would share what is happening at the "little, red haired cupid's" abode.
Linking to: "Favorite Thing Saturday"
"Make it Pretty Monday"
"Tweak It Tuesday"
"Wow Us Wednesday"
"Show and Tell Friday"
Monday, December 3, 2012
Finally - The Tree is Up !
After debating (with myself) as to whether I wanted to put the big tree up this year - the little 4 ft. one won out again this year. I really enjoy the big one, but lugging it up and down the stairs......Well anyway - small it is!
Click on Pictures to enlarge.
Thrifty, as everything I used, I already had . After taking pictures, I see several places that need tweaking....How about you - if you are putting up a tree - big or small?
Linking up with " Make it Pretty Monday"
"Nifty Thrifty Tuesday"
"Table Top Tuesday"
"Tweak It Tuesday"
"Wow Us Wednesday"
"Share Your Cup Thursday"
"Show and Tell Friday"
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Holiday Decor
Instead of braving the crowds on BF, I did a "bit" of Christmas decorating. "Thrifty" decorating as I am using items I already had - trying not to buy any new decor this year. Got the wreaths hung on the back and on the front door.
Dining table got changed out - from "Fall", posted about here.
Dining table got changed out - from "Fall", posted about here.
Starting with a Winter look...
then add a bit of faux greenery and berries....
Click on pics to enlarge.
Opposite side......
Decor on the counter still needs some "tweaking", which includes eating the last couple pieces of "Fall candy" in the candy jar, and replace with something more Christmas related. That should not be very hard to do :)...........
"Holiday Vignette Party"
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Weekend Did Not Go as Planned!
Talk about a disappointment! Last weekend I had all these big plans to take a fun road trip. I was all packed up except for last minute items, looking forward to a great weekend, celebrating a special event for someone, great company, junkin, shopping in some wonderful shops, beautiful scenery, Fall colors, camera ready, and looking forward to some outstanding food. So - What went wrong ? Two days before I was to leave on my trip I got my flu shot !! Very bad decision on my part !!!
Actually, I don't know if it was the shot or picked up another "bug" somewhere. Why now? Lesson learned - Do Not get a flu shot or go anywhere near a Dr.'s office any time right before an upcoming trip and/or important event.
OK - On to other things: Last December I made some necklaces for 3 young ladies on my Christmas list - posted about here. Couple of months ago, I went shopping for some jewelry supplies with coupons in hand. Found another strand of the charms, and had a coupon for 40% off on one item regular price, bought the chain @ 30% off reg. price, and already had the agate bead.
This one is a little different, as used a different chain, and added a eiffel tower charm

Have already gifted the necklace to someone special, but think I will be creating another one soon for someone else.
Have not been working on jewelry in a while now, but do need to get busy with Christmas just around the corner. I just can't seem to focus on the the words Holidays and Christmas this year. I recently commented on someone's blog that it seems like the whole year has been out of focus for me. :/
Another Dab of This and That ramble...
Friday, November 9, 2012
Colors of Fall
When out and about last weekend, I found some Fall color to share . I suspect many trees will go from green to brown this year and skip the pretty color stage. The pictures pretty well speak for themselves.
Linking up @ "A Favorite Thing"
"Mosaic Monday"
"Outdoor Wednesday"
Click on picture to enlarge.
Linking up @ "A Favorite Thing"
"Mosaic Monday"
"Outdoor Wednesday"
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Dab of This and That
They learn fast.........
Out and about over the weekend, doing all that "busy stuff", that we always need to do to keep a household running. Making lists of things that need to be done and shopping for upcoming events. Stopped at a couple of yard sales and an estate sale, but nothing to get excited about. Did buy a package of glass beads and some rhinestone findings that I think used to be part of a bracelet at one time - more on that later.
Weather was beautiful with the exception of a thunder rumble shower, that rolled thru late in the day on Saturday.
While out I actually remembered to take the camera along, just in case I ran across some Fall color. I did take pics of some trees in their beautiful Fall colors of crimson, orange and yellow. Have not really sorted thru them yet, but will be sharing them later.
Fall color outside my back door....
Just a short Dab of This and That ramble.
Have a great week!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Fall - One of My Favorite Times of the Year
Hard to believe it is now November, and the holidays are just around the corner. I won't be adding anymore Fall decor, so hope the pumpkin and the ornamental gourds stay nice thru Thanksgiving. The mums - doubt they will make it that long.
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Added a couple of ornamental gourds on the table....
Fall at Dab of This and That's house........
Linking up with "Show and Tell Friday"
"A Favorite Thing"
"Outdoor Wednesday"
What ever your plans - Have a great weekend!
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Since taking this picture, most of the leaves have been cleaned up and the process will be repeated many times in the near future. Not one of my favorite things to do.
Linking up with "Show and Tell Friday"
"A Favorite Thing"
"Outdoor Wednesday"
What ever your plans - Have a great weekend!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Last of "Trip to the Market" Pics
But not the last trip to the market -
Just a few more pictures of the vast selection of pumpkins at the farmers' market.
More of the standard orange, but a variety of shapes...
Some pretty flower arrangements using pumpkins as the containers.
Large variety of the smaller ornamentals and I purchased some of these to mix in with some things I already had.
Not sure what the pink metal thing is, as did not notice it when took the pic, so had a surprise when uploaded the pictures. Very appropriate for the month of October.
"Outdoor Wednesday"
Have a great week!
Just a few more pictures of the vast selection of pumpkins at the farmers' market.
Not sure what the oblong ones are, gourds I think.
Click on pictures to enlarge.

Some pretty flower arrangements using pumpkins as the containers.

Not sure what the pink metal thing is, as did not notice it when took the pic, so had a surprise when uploaded the pictures. Very appropriate for the month of October.
Click on picture to enlarge.
Linking up with "Mosaic Monday""Outdoor Wednesday"
Have a great week!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Back to the Market and All About Food
One of my main reasons for the trip to the market, was to buy some pepper jelly one of the local vendors makes/sells. Wonderful spooned on some softened cream cheese, scooped up on wheat thins. Yum!!!
Been buying it for years - couple of jars in the Fall to use during the holidays. Went straight to the vendor's booth and there was none. The cashier said they would have some more the next day. Small problem - I could not go back the next day, so hoping they will have some the next time I go.
Update: Went back 4 days later and the vendor still did not have it in stock - apparently it was never put on the list to restock. Well - Okee Dokee !! :/
Saw a display of fried apple pies - $2 ea.. :-0 !! They were on the small side - about 5 or 6 bites, so decided to pass on those. Have not had one in many years and I suspect those were not as good as the homemade kind I remember from my "younger" years. As I type the following has already been reduced down to a couple of apples, one tomato, and a sweet potato - it was all good!
Daughter is making large batches of friendship bread (more like cake to me) to stock their freezer and give to others. She brought me a loaf of pumpkin/cinnamon, a lemon and 1/2 of a cinnamon/vanilla. Sorry for the glare in the pic, but the loaves were wrapped, and I did not want to unwrap them until I could get them sliced, individually wrapped and in the freezer (which has now been done). Lots of good eating in the future !
The temps cool down and we think about foods such as soups, casseroles, other homemade goodies and comfort foods, then next Spring when the first blooms appear and the birds start singing again, we will start thinking more about lots of fresh salads and the lighter fare. It is all good !!
What was that about: When I went back to the market Monday in an attempt to buy the pepper jelly, I noticed a dumpster piled high with pumpkins ?!? The ones you could see piled up did not appear to be damaged/bad, and lots of pie size. Wish I had taken a picture, but did not think to as it sort of caught me off guard.
Just another Dab of This and That ramble.
Hope everyone is having a great week.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Going to the Market
Beautiful Fall day and time to make a trip to the farmers' market.

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to a wide range to select from |
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Click on picture to enlarge.
Linking up with "Mosaic Monday"
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Soup Time and Other Ramblings
Cool, Fall weather sets in and it is "Soup Time". Made a big pot of beef and veggie and it was a winner. I have been making it for years - no recipe, just wing it and hope for the best. It does not always turn out like I want, but this time it was a winner - Yum !!
A couple of bowls with yeast rolls for dinner, then
after it being in the fridge over night, took off any fat that solidified on the top, then froze a few containers for future cool/cold days when I need a quick, hot meal.
Years ago, a friend stopped by after I made a pot of the soup and after she had a bowl, she wanted the recipe. I explained there is no recipe, as I just sorta/kinda throw it together. I wrote the basic instructions down that included all the ingredients I put in the soup that day, cooking time, etc. She made some, and said her's was good, but did not taste like mine. It is one of those use what you have, don't measure, throw in a bit of this and that and hope for the best type of situations.
Eating habits: I tend to do a lot of "grazing" when it comes to meals these days. Think I have mentioned before that I am not a breakfast person, even tho I enjoy many breakfast type foods such as breakfast casseroles, omelets, scrambled eggs, bacon/sausage (all of which is a treat for me due to cholesterol issues), with a bit of fruit, but want it later in the day. Will I prepare this type of thing at home? Only if have guests and it becomes a brunch and/or someone else prepares it and does all the cleanup afterwards. Can you tell - I am NOT a morning person.
Lunch - Could be just about anything. Depends on where, when, with whom or what I am craving on any given day. Been known to stand at the kitchen counter scanning thru the latest edition of a magazine and munching on apple slices or cinnamon/apple rice cakes with peanut better slathered on them, or enjoy a lite lunch of soup, sandwich or salad, or full scale meat and 3 type meal.
Dinner - Usually depends on what I had for lunch - Big lunch, then a lighter plate of whatever is lurking in the fridge, freezer or pantry. Some days - Grazing all day long. When that happens, I just try to be sure there is at least a good bit of protein, veggies and/or fruit on the plate.
In other words - My eating habits are sporadic. How about yours ?
Don't compromise on potato salad:
I had a craving for potato salad recently and decided to make some. OK - Decided to make a new version with no salt added - Big mistake!
Potatoes + eggs and NO salt, cholesterol free mayo = Big mistake!! Oh - I added the pickles and such, but the lack of salt and using "unreal mayo" instead the real deal or miracle whip made a big difference, and not in a good way. As much as I hate to waste - most of it hit the garbage.
Trying to eat a bit healthier is not always easy !
New place to shop - Or not: I have noticed that many bloggers like to shop at Home Goods. Have not had one in my area until recently and trying to decide if it is one of those places I need to stay away from. I have been on a mission for a while now - No new home decor coming in until I finish my major declutter and so far that is taking a while (lazy side kicked in).
What did you think?: With all the hype about the new show "Nashville", just thought I would throw the question out there - Did you see the show and did you like it? I watched it (had already seen a showing of it on abc web site), and even after seeing it the 2nd time, my opinion is still out with the jury.
You know when you live in the country when.......
Daughter called and said she knew she lived in the country when she saw a flatbed truck going past her home with a large cow laid out on the back ! Headed for the butcher shop - filling up freezers for the Winter.
Just another Dab of This and That ramble.
A couple of bowls with yeast rolls for dinner, then
after it being in the fridge over night, took off any fat that solidified on the top, then froze a few containers for future cool/cold days when I need a quick, hot meal.
Years ago, a friend stopped by after I made a pot of the soup and after she had a bowl, she wanted the recipe. I explained there is no recipe, as I just sorta/kinda throw it together. I wrote the basic instructions down that included all the ingredients I put in the soup that day, cooking time, etc. She made some, and said her's was good, but did not taste like mine. It is one of those use what you have, don't measure, throw in a bit of this and that and hope for the best type of situations.
Eating habits: I tend to do a lot of "grazing" when it comes to meals these days. Think I have mentioned before that I am not a breakfast person, even tho I enjoy many breakfast type foods such as breakfast casseroles, omelets, scrambled eggs, bacon/sausage (all of which is a treat for me due to cholesterol issues), with a bit of fruit, but want it later in the day. Will I prepare this type of thing at home? Only if have guests and it becomes a brunch and/or someone else prepares it and does all the cleanup afterwards. Can you tell - I am NOT a morning person.
Lunch - Could be just about anything. Depends on where, when, with whom or what I am craving on any given day. Been known to stand at the kitchen counter scanning thru the latest edition of a magazine and munching on apple slices or cinnamon/apple rice cakes with peanut better slathered on them, or enjoy a lite lunch of soup, sandwich or salad, or full scale meat and 3 type meal.
Dinner - Usually depends on what I had for lunch - Big lunch, then a lighter plate of whatever is lurking in the fridge, freezer or pantry. Some days - Grazing all day long. When that happens, I just try to be sure there is at least a good bit of protein, veggies and/or fruit on the plate.
In other words - My eating habits are sporadic. How about yours ?
Don't compromise on potato salad:
I had a craving for potato salad recently and decided to make some. OK - Decided to make a new version with no salt added - Big mistake!
Potatoes + eggs and NO salt, cholesterol free mayo = Big mistake!! Oh - I added the pickles and such, but the lack of salt and using "unreal mayo" instead the real deal or miracle whip made a big difference, and not in a good way. As much as I hate to waste - most of it hit the garbage.
Trying to eat a bit healthier is not always easy !
New place to shop - Or not: I have noticed that many bloggers like to shop at Home Goods. Have not had one in my area until recently and trying to decide if it is one of those places I need to stay away from. I have been on a mission for a while now - No new home decor coming in until I finish my major declutter and so far that is taking a while (lazy side kicked in).
What did you think?: With all the hype about the new show "Nashville", just thought I would throw the question out there - Did you see the show and did you like it? I watched it (had already seen a showing of it on abc web site), and even after seeing it the 2nd time, my opinion is still out with the jury.
You know when you live in the country when.......
Daughter called and said she knew she lived in the country when she saw a flatbed truck going past her home with a large cow laid out on the back ! Headed for the butcher shop - filling up freezers for the Winter.
Just another Dab of This and That ramble.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Fall in the Courtyard
Not a lot going on in the courtyard now days. A few blooms here and there, but most of the annuals are giving it up . I got two pots of mums a couple of weeks ago, and one of them is already looking pretty sad - sure wish they would last longer.
The ferns and wax begonias will probably last until the first hard frost. The begonias have not looked real spiffy for a while due to the hot/dry Summer, even tho I kept them watered.
Fall shadows are so different than any other time of the year.......
A few pots of impatiences still hanging around, but won't be for much longer."Outdoor Wednesday".
Have a great week!
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