This last week when I was out of town, the local utility company decided to work on an underground electrical cable. Even tho the phone company marked where the phone lines were (or suppose to be), someone messed up. I have not had my land line phone service since! Phone company was suppose to have been here before 5:30 Friday, but that did not happen. :( Yes - I have a cell phone, but I just DO NOT like to use it any more than I have to. # 1 - I never remember to charge the thing.
While I waited for the phone company to NOT show up, I managed to put out a few Fall decorations. Not a lot, but it is a start.
Would like to be able to say these are real mums, but they are not. Bought these 2 years ago (?) at Michaels. Almost bought some pots of real mums at Lowes recently, but had second thoughts, as it is still pretty warm and dry and I have not had much luck with them in the past. After it cools down more, I will probably get a pot of them to sit outside by the door.
Started out like this -

and looks like this right now. It may get changed again - think I like the first way better. :-D
RANT: As mentioned above the utility company was working on the electrical cable - from what I understand in an attempt to alleviate the problem of a transformer close by blowing so often. Well - it did not work, as it blew again Friday evening just before dark and was out for a few hours. After checking with neighbors to see if they reported the outage (which they had not), and I asked if they could do so, as my land line was not working. When I attempted to do so on the cell phone, it seems when I had to press "1" for English, and "1" for power outage (everything is so automated #@$$#!!??) the "1's" stayed on the phone screen and when I had to enter my acct. #, "it" said it was an invalid account number. :( Nope - there was no option to "stay on the line for a representative".
NOW - back to my asking the neighbors if they had reported the outage, as their power was out also. They both said no - What was their reason ? Both said "I figured you had probably already called".
Don't even get me started @#?!!? !!!!Told you it was a
"Rant" ! Actually, I tried to be nice while typing this little story!!!! You don't really want to get me started about people waiting for someone else to take care of things.
OK - I will hush now! Anyway - What do I do when the power goes out and it gets dark - Not a lot. Everything I decided to do, I needed electricity.
JUST A RAMBLE: When out of town this last week, I had all good intentions of visiting a winery and doing some "junkin" in the area. However, I remembered after I got on the interstate and it was a ways to the next exit to turn around and go back. I wanted to find some vintage pieces/trinkets to use in my jewelry, so off to the local flea market yesterday. I had not been in quiet a while, and what a disappointment. I used to go the the flea market a lot, but lost interest as there were more and more vendors with the cheap imported stuff from that country that starts with a "C".
There use to be a lot of vendors with just a little bit of everything and they would have boxes or trays piled up with bits and pieces, ornate skeleton keys, trinkets and such that was good to use when repurposing vintage jewelry. The flea market is now at a different location, and none of that type of vendor was there (vendors with imported stuff still around).
There were 3 vendors that had large selections of vintage/old jewelry, and you could tell they loved their inventory by looking at the prices !! :-O They were not selling much either. I repurpose jewelry as a hobby - not an investment. I did buy a small bag of buttons that had some rhinestone buttons in it I can use, and another grab bag with just a lot of "odds and ends". Some things I can repurpose, some bracelets I will see if the Granddaughters want and also a surprise. A sterling silver necklace and a pair of earrings, both marked 925, and still intact. I have not taken pictures yet, as I am still sorting and cleaning the pieces up. Also bought 2 tiny spoons, that I did a little research on, on ebay and replacements ltd. . More on that after I take some pictures.
Like I said - Dab of This and That!
If you were brave enough to read this far - Have a great week !! :-D