Anyone (besides me) remember when boxes of oats, detergent, etc., would have a little extra in the container? I do
(telling my age here)! I remember a tiny little plate came in the detergent my Mother bought, and I claimed them - think I had 2 or 3 at one time. I don't remember it being called a "butter pat", but that might have been what they were - to small for much else. Don't have a clue, as to what ever happened to them. Remember these dishes that came in boxes of oats? I do (there goes that age thing again)! I don't have any from growing up, but these were given to me several years ago. I always thought the emerald green glass was so pretty and at one time thought about starting a collection. Did a little checking around and research on ebay, and at that time they were a little pricey, so dropped the idea. Checked on ebay again, several weeks ago to see what kind of price it was getting, and did not see any listed. I really don't have room for a collection of it now. Anyway, I use these little pieces in different ways around the kitchen. The tallest bowl (ice cream or sherbert bowl maybe?), I use for artificial sweetner packets now. None of the pieces are very big. At one time I knew the name of the glassware, but I have drawn a blank.
The little plates are only 4 1/2ins. in diameter - maybe a butter plate (?). They are both the same size, even tho 1 looks smaller in the photo. It may be a saucer, but I don't remember ever seeing a little cup that would match. If anyone knows anything about this glassware and/or what each piece would have been used for, would love to hear your comments.
Was out and about earlier today, and noticed how many of the Bradford Pear and redbud trees
were in bloom, and the forsythia bushes were starting to bloom. Had planned to go back out and take pictures, but it is raining now and cold. We have had temps in the high 60's & low 70's off and on lately - however, today it is in the 30's with snow in the forecast for this afternoon and
tonight, with below freezing temps the next couple of nights. There goes the pretty blooms! :-(
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Yes, I have my mothers green water goblets, they are a treasure for me. And to see how much they are asking for them a piece, gives me a smile on my face. I also have some smaller glasses as well she got that way.
Thanks for the memory.
I do not remember when you would get things with your oats but those emerald green dishes are really pretty!
That's not something I remember but I've of course heard about it. It would be nice if manufacturers offered such nice things now instead of plastic junk.
Our Bradfords are just beginning to bloom and the forsythia has already bloomed. Spring is right around the corner!
Oh yes, I have some of my grandmothers and mothers! And I still love it!!!! Nancy
We missed out on this glassware. We had the chicken plates. It's rained all day. I was hoping to get out and take photos. I took a nap today again. So unlike me. Stay warm!
Glenda, beautiful green glass. I have some red glass stemware I inherited from one of my mother's aunts and have never been able to find any to add to the collection. The stem is clear glass with a pineapple and the cup part is red. They are beautiful. Where are you? Our trees here in Upstate SC are blooming as well and today, nasty sleet which is supposed to turn into snow later and then by tomorrow, breezy and sunny and it all disappears. Maybe there will be enough to at least delay school?!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
Good morning my friend.. I absolutely "love" your green glassware I wasn't aware these came in detergent boxes..I'm sure my grandmother must have had some..they are probably with the aunts now..They are gorgeus..perfect for a vignette or short tablescape for St. Pat's
Glenda, thanks so much for swinging in and checking on us. Mr. P. is doing pretty good right far as myself darling..I'm hanging in by hanging on.. I hope you're having super w/k..
hugs ~lynne~
I actually have several small glasses in the emerald green color. I use them as juice glasses. I always wondered where they came from. Now I know! Have a great day!
Glenda, that green glassware is gorgeous....oh, I love green.
Stay warm. It is cold here also.
Never seen these before but they are pretty.
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