OK - I surrender - I have had enough Winter! I am ready for 75 - 80* temps and sunshine. Going to Florida is not the answer, as it is cold down there also. Not as bad as here, but still cold. I can't blame my lack of tolerance for this kind of weather on "age", because I have never been able to tolerate cold weather very well. Oh By the way! That pumpkin is still sitting out there as I type. I should have painted it white and put glitter on it for Christmas. :-) I have a feeling when the temps go up a little next week, it will turn to mush!
VENT: I have issues with birds that eat red berries then sit in the trees that the limbs are over my courtyard and socialize/party for a period of time ! ! :(
SHOPPING NEWS: I have not gone to any of the "after the holiday sales", for a couple of reasons. However, I was in Cracker Barrel a couple of days ago and just thought I would let you know that their Christmas items are 70% off. I did get a couple of things that can be used year round, but have not taken pics. of yet.
TO COLD TO CARE: Thought I had all my Christmas decor put up, then sat down at the laptop to see what everyone has been up to - looked up and saw the wreaths still hanging on the gate. They will just have to stay there - It is to cold to go out, take them down and shake them out (Lots of little, strange things like to get in them while outside).
JUST TRUST ME ON THIS ONE: I always check pockets before doing the laundry. What happened - I have no clue!!! Check "extremely" well for kleenex! They have a tendency to hide in the far corners of a pocket, then spread "their cheer" when you do laundry.
Hope everyone is having a great week - despite the cold!
It is supposed to snow in Georgia so I understand what you are saying about being tired of the cold weather. I have seen a few birds around, so spring is not far behind.
It is so cold here too! I despise this weather! We are predicted to have snow tomorrow ... some of the schools have already announced they will be closed! LOL Only in the South! I have often found Kleenex in my laundry too. Annoying :)
I can relate to your feelings on the cold, I'm sick of it. I have not been to one single after Christmas sale, because I have not left my house in seven days. And I won't until at least Sunday from the looks of things, another 2-4 inches on its way tomorrow. I don't like to drive in snow!!! Thanks for stopping by.
Couldn't agree more Glenda! BABY, it's COLD outside!
I leave the outdoor wreath up for quite a while. This year, all the lights are still up (but not being turned on) as it is too freakin' cold to go out and take them down! We are getting lots of snow tonight...but, I refuse to look outside to see if it is here yet.
I sure could use some warm weather now too. We are going to FL tomorrow but it looks like it's cold there too but at least we will be away when the temp goes down to 10 degrees here on Friday. Stay warm wherever you are!...Christine
Hang in there girl! Your part of the country will see spring long before we do! We have about 4 more inches coming today, it's so pretty, but I don't like the cold! Cindy
Oh boy, can I relate to the kleenex in the pocket. I'vge done that many times, and it is a horrible mess! I can't handle this cold weather either, and it's not going to get better any time soon. The wind is horrible today, and makes it feel so much colder than it is. Not much snow on the ground this morning. Wonder if more will come. (Yes, the snow pictures on my header are last year's pix). laurie
I agree! I am ready for a heat wave. :) Take care and stay warm!
It's been 10 years since it has been this cold in the DFW area of Texas. We actually had a White Christmas this year!
I just stopped by Cracker Barrel yesterday and got the heart shaped topiary at 70% off. It has a little red Cardinal that matches all those pretty Cardinal dishes I got at Christmas time. I never got those pictures posted... just too busy getting ready for the move to Palm Springs. No cracker Barrels there...:(
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