Last Friday we had a beautiful
blue sky and
warm temps . I had some errands to run and I decided to keep going down the road in search of Spring flowers. The blooming trees were full of buds ready to explode. These are some pictures I took and turned them into a mosaic.
Click to enlarge photos.

I am linking up with Susan @
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday, and Mary @
Little Red House for Mosaic Monday. Be sure and visit Susan and Mary to see what they, and the other participants have to share with us.
Hope you are having a great week !
This is a gorgeous mosaic, Glenda!
We have grey skies today. Thankful we didn't get the snow the western side of Missouri has. It was predicted but passed us by or rather quit before it got here!
Love all the spring flowers. We only have a TINY bit of green here in No. Illinois.
I love that I can see spring other places and know that it will be getting to us in 2 or 3 more weeks.
Happy Springy Sunday. We have snow from yesterday on the ground still. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere
So many people have flowers already! Sure wish we did but it will be a while longer.
Yes, winter holds on as long as it can, dangit!
Isan't it exciting when those first buds start appearing on the trees. We enjoyed our wonderful spring weather here in Massachusetts too. ~Jeanne
Oh, I would love to have a mass planting of pansies! Those are so beautiful!
Win Rachael Ray bake ware at my blog.
The weather is looking wonderful in the Mid-South!
Yeah! Spring is here! I can't wait to finally do some planting out back and I know pansies will be in the mix!
Hi, oh...such a wonderful Mosaic! How did you make your like that? Very nice! I hope that you have a lovely day.
Gorgeous pics, doesn't spring cheer us up!
So beautiful! We still have snow in Sweden.
Glenda, the weather looks so beautiful to be outdoors! Lovely blue skies. I could see some pink trees blooming!
Rain is good, and hopefully, it helps those buds to come out early!
Have a great day!
Spring is springing! Happy Mosaic Monday!
So pretty! We've had gorgeous weather, but chilly rain tomorrow. Come visit for my give-away!
Wonderful mosaics of all the spring beauty.
Your mosaic is so beautifully done. Look like spring has arrived where you live, here too! And allergies!
I love spring flowers, and your mosaic is beautiful. The redbuds will be blooming soon here, and the combination of the white dogwoods and fuschia or purple colored redbuds are irresistible.
Your mosaics are looking good !
Got down to the 20's here last couple of nights...come on spring !
hello Glenda! Love your mosaic. Happy Spring to you!
Great looking mosaic! Love this season!
Ahhhh....sunshine and flowers, we've had nothing but torrential rain today and it's turning cold again!!! Thanks for sharing your sunshine and flowers!!!
Oh, my goodness, Glenda....your mosaic is fabulous.
I enlarged it and have looked at it several times...lovely.
Glenda, what a beautiful mosaic of spring! And it's a coming, believe it or not!!!
Beautiful photos in your mosaic! Wonderful!
Beautiful scenes and mosaic.
Happy springtime.
Oh how beautiful. We don't have flowers yet...just the beginnings of green peeking through. I love your miniatures...that general store is amazing!
Thank you so much for the prayers for my mom, we need them. It means more to me than you know.
Look at all that Spring coming up!! It finally warmed up here and melted most of the snow off today!
Can you believe it's already a brand new week!!? Pray it is a blessed one for you!
bee blessed
Beautiful mosaic - you live in a lovey part of the country.
Darryl and Ruth : )
This is a great mosaic of lovely spring flowers. Glad that spring has come.
The flowers are so very pretty! Have a grand day! Cathy
Spring has certainly arrived where you live, Glenda! I ♥ those purple pansies!! I saw that our garden center had some out for sale finally. I may grab a few to plant just to hurry Spring along up here.
This is my first visit to your beautiful blog & I must tell you, your miniatures brought back fond memories. DH had a dear, dear patient who owned a garage FULL of such doll houses. She became gravely ill & we made house calls to her many, many times before she died. Her first grandchild was about to be born & I was praying it would be a little girl, so her little houses would be loved & appreciated. Never found out but your collage of miniatures had me smiling & remembering Virginia. Thank you!
It's sure to be an extra green spring and summer after all the rain and snow!
Beautiful mosaic!
Happy Mosaic Monday...Luna
Wonderful mosaic !! By the looks of your photo's you are bit ahead of us as far as spring blooms go.
Wonderful mosaic !! By the looks of your photo's you are bit ahead of us as far as spring blooms go.
Uh oh - another "drive-by shooting." That's Oprah's next big campaign -- to get us to stop taking photos as we drive.
Glenda, the photos of the plants are so lovey!! We have the same weather here. One day sun and the rest rain!!! We are not used to have so much rain so it's making us get tired of so many days with grey sky!!
Have a great week
Warm regards,
Now that's the kind of pictures I want to see. Beautiful flowers and life springing forth.
Gorgeous, Glenda. Aren't you glad it is finally spring? Yes!
Barb ♥
Oh, look at your flowers in bloom! I can't wait, are you driving and taking pics??? Sounds like me, you naughty blogger! hehe. just kidding. Cindy
Oh wow -- you are so far ahead of us in spring blooms. I had to enlarge your mosaic to really appreciate -- and envy!!! -- all those gorgeous spring colors and flowers.
We've got a few crocuses popping up, but that's it so far!
You give me hope.
AND I just looked out the window, and the lilac buds are GREEN!
Hi Glenda! Your mosaic is beautiful! I am not able to drive down the road and see such pretty flowers ~ soon though as temperatures are warming.
Nice visiting today!
Kindly, ldh
Hi Glenda, gorgeous my friend, I know at some point soon we'll be able to see fresh Spring colors around our area..hugs ~lynne~
Glenda, this is such a pretty mosaic. Love all of the blooming flowers! laurie
Hi Glenda, Thanks for visiting me after such a long time between posts! Loved seeing your cute dollhouse and general store. I have a store very similar. Remember when those were just the thing in miniatures. Everyone made one. You are really good at the beautiful mosiacs!! That is something I have yet to try. It's probably too complicated for me! Ha. Have a great evening. Linda
Glenda, all your photos are awesome girl and look at all the flowers you it not so fun to finally see flowers blooming and birds singing I know I'm sure doing my Happy Dance right now...just think in a few months every one will be complaining about the heat ha ha !! thanks for a fun post girl...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love your mosaic. We'll be having flowers soon. Right now just daffodils. My flowering almond is budding out. I can see touches of pink.
Thank you for your prayers for my Granddaughter Sarah. She did well through the surgery and is home resting. I appreciate you so much for taking the time to offer prayers for her and our family. Blessings, Pat
Love your mosaic. So much talent you have.
I like your blog.
Take care-
Your area looks very pretty and your mosaic is lovely --happy MM!
Fantastic collage! Thank you for the extra effort of going out and searching for Spring images.
Joyce M
Really pretty :) Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
It is very obvious that you took the right road for your drive. All the sights you shared today are very pretty.
Love the mosaic - you are just too creative!
Great mosaic. Love all the signs of spring.
~ Tracy
Spring is lovely, isn't it! Love those pretty yellow and purple faces in the sunshine!
Oh, these make me giddy with anticipation for Spring. Thanks for sharing with us!
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