I decorate for Fall (not a lot this year), but don't put much out that is Halloween related. Grands will not be visiting this weekend, so only put out my little jack o lantern tea light holder. I have had this character for several years and each year I put him out somewhere in the house even if I don't put anything else out for Halloween. Just a Dollar Tree find that makes me smile !

Last Friday my plans for the day got changed so went on an unscheduled "junkin" trip. Went to the thrift shop where I usually have fair luck finding vintage bling/trinkets to work with. Nothing! :( As a matter of fact the last few times I have been, "pickings" were slim and what they did have was over priced for repurposing. Stopped at another place that was
really a "junkin" place! Walked in and gas/oil fumes hit me in the face! :( Seems there was a shop in the back where they worked on motorcycles, etc. What we go thru to find a little vintage bling! :-D Stopped at an antique mall that I have not been to in years. Several of the vendors had vintage jewelry, but over priced for what I would be using it for. Also stopped at 2 yard sales.
So - This is my "haul" for a couple hours of "junkin" which is not a lot - 4 brass buttons, 2 rhinestone buttons, some gold colored charms (?), part of a faux pearl clasp, rhinestone chain (bracelet), and my favorite the very worn cameo piece.

I am linking up with Linda @ "Junkin Finds"
http://ljm-alacarte.blogspot.com/Cindy @ "Show and Tell Friday"
http://romantichome.blogspot.com/Laurie @ "Some of My Favorite Things Saturday"
http://bargainhuntingwithlaurie.blogspot.com/If you have not already, be sure and visit these ladies to see what they and the other participants have to share this week.
Took a break from "decluttering" this afternoon and got caught up on some of the necessities of life like paying bills, cleaning house, etc.. We all know how that goes.
Have a great weekend!
Some days are just like that. I do find so much is overpriced lately. I would love for you to link up this post with my Junkin Finds party on my blog. The link will be up a little later tonight!
Great pieces. I love the cameo. That may be worth something. I have one I bought at the place that students make them in Italy. I need to do something with it.
I think you did pretty good...these pieces are beautiful! Can't wait to see how you use them!
Happy Fall!
Thanks so much for joining in the Junkin finds party! I love that cameo! Nice piece!
Some trips are better than others, but you did find some fun things:@)
The pieces you found are beautiful!! I love the cameo!
I have those days. I love colder weather but it means no yard sales. The cameo makes me smile. ♥O
I think the cameo is my favorite, grandma has lots of cameos:)
It's always nice to find stuff at a reasonable price. Even the thrifts are getting way expensive. They are sacrificing volume for price. I see stuff at some of our thrift stores sitting there for months because it's priced at $25.00 when it should be $5.00. Not smart.
I don't wear cameos...but there is something about them that I'm drawn to. They remind me of a different time...so elegant.
I love your Dollar Tree Jack-o-Lantern! What a cute stand it's on. The cameo you found is lovely!
Beautiful finds, Glenda. Thanks for asking about my mom. She was achy and weak for about a week but feels a lot better now....Christine
Beautiful finds, Glenda. Thanks for asking about my mom. She was achy and weak for about a week but feels a lot better now....Christine
Looks like you found some real treasures!
Beautiful little cameo. I'll be interested to see what you do with your finds this week. ~ Sarah
Glenda, that cameo looks like it would be worth the hunt! What a wonderful piece. Your little jack-o-lantern makes me smile too. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie
Lovely treasures Glenda! I love the cameo and that little hand piece caught my attention too. Your little Jack-O-Lantern is darling :)
Lovin' the cameo. and the pearl clasp. So beautiful!
I love it all and would have bought everything. I'm with you...we go to such great lengths to find our treasures. Sometimes we come home with a full load and other times, a few pieces. It's still the thrill of the hunt;-)
Isn't it funny that now the "in thing" to do is shop thrifts and good will? I've done it forever, but it seems hard to find good things in our area anymore.
Enjoy your weekend!
I sure something very beautiful wil come from your lastest finds. I have never saw you do anything that was not pure perfection. This was the first time in weeks that I had been to the thrift store. Like you I am finding prices for junk are a little high! Thanks for sharing.
You found some wonderful pieces. Can't wait to see what you did with them. Hope your allergies are better. I live on Benedryl. lol.
I haven't been finding as much lately either, though your jewelry pieces are nice. I have gotten more picky and I think they are too expensive at some of the thrift stores for used stuff...or am I just that cheap?
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