This really has been one of those "Dab of This and That" days. I had good intentions of getting certain things accomplished today - none of which got done. Instead, I sat here for a while and played. Actually for more than just a while.
Remember this pendant that did not work out, as the rabbit's nose was covered up?

Replaced it with a butterfly. Thought all was well until I closed the latch and something shifted! :( Since I am the one wearing it, it may just stay that way - or maybe not. I am one of those people that when I know something is "out of whack", it bugs me until I make it right (or at least try). That is one of the reasons I rarely sew anymore. If I make a mistake, even tho no one else may be able to see it, I know it is there and it drives me "buggie"! :-D Anybody else like that?

Remember this? I have not been real happy with the vintage buttons and beads on the left - to stiff, and the buttons flop to the side.

So replaced them with this. This is with one button and a couple of black metal charms. Either way, the button still "flops" to the side ! Any suggestions?

In my effort to "declutter" I ran across a container of buttons that I had forgotten about. Some of these would be considered vintage according to their age, but since I know what some of the clothes they came off of, there is
NO way they can be vintage (or can they) !!!!! The term "Vintage" sounds old until you read what is considered "vintage"
(that is just wrong!!!!!) - I am NOT VINTAGE !!!!!
Remember this? Well - I got some of it cleaned out - then more fell.

Grounds crew was here today, and I had left my gate open (in and out most of the day). Looked out, and one of the workers had come up in my courtyard and was blowing leaves out of my gate (property owners are responsible for their own courtyards). Don't know what prompted him to do so (will ask management), but when I went out to give him a tip, I could tell he was
VERY happy even tho he did not speak English !!!
Soooooooo! Did I get the guest room ready for house guests?
Did I get the main bathroom cleaned?
What about vacuuming inside car?
Finish decluttering?
NO! NO ! NO!
How about a trip to WM?
Nope! Nope!
What is that famous movie line ? "Tomorrow is another day" -
Sounds good to me! :-D
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Every so often I need a do nothin' day. It's a good thing, as Martha would say.
I love that blue and black necklace!!
I am with you that "Tomorrow is another day"!!
I'm with you sister. Tomorrow is another day! Hugs
Hello Glenda thank you for stopping by. Love your necklace redo. Take care.
Love your creations and I took a couple of play days myself this week. It does my soul good ;o) As far as your courtyard clean up, I love it when someone goes above and beyond what is expected of them...just because. I'm glad that you were able to reward him for his good deed ;o)
Well, I'm sure you got a lot accomplished in terms of "giving yourself the right to do nothing!" We all deserve those days. I was just looking outside at all the leaves. Got family coming in tomorrow. Should I go out and blow leaves now? Or will they just be completely replaced by tomorrow? Decisions, decisions...
....but girl ya made some beautiful baubles to wear someday. There are just times a girl's gotta play!!!
Have a most marvelously blessed day sweetie!!!
Wow, can I relate to this post! I have good intentions for my day, but I'm always going off in other directions. I keep telling myself that "it will get done" sooner or later:)
Love the jewelry. The bunny is precious - hate it didn't work! Enjoyed looking & we all need days like this sometimes.
OH, but look at that beautiful jewelry you have created Glenda!
You are very talented in creating!
Your jewerly is wonderful Glenda. I sent home a couple of pieces for my girlfriend to fix and she's having trouble find 3 small rings in the burnished gold color. Do you have any suggestions as where to find them? I'm glad you took some time for yourself, we all need to do that now and again.
hugs ~lynne~
You have ben working hard, Glenda. I swept our driveway, just part of it cause I couldnt do it all, it's too big, and my lower back hurts. I have to do around the pool today while cooking cause we have a dinner party tonight and I have an out of the state guest coming. Your necklaces are so pretty. I had to put my jewelry making kit away so I am not tempted to make jewlery instead of cleaning and cooking preparing for the party. Have a nice weekend!...Christine
eeeeewwww...I love the first neckace with the rabbit. I would have never thought anything was wrong with it!! All the others are pretty too!
Hahaha! Yes, tomorrow is another day. that's my mantra sometimes.
LOVE the necklace, but I am not sure about how to keep the button from flopping.
And how lovely to have someone blow out the leaves for you. Yay for ambitious groundskeeper.
Have a grand weekend!
How nice about the leaves! I like the necklace with the charms better than the first version (and I really liked the first one). I knew I was vintage when I started reading about people going to vintage clothing stores for clothes from the 70's. Ugh.
Glenda, I can't tell that the butterfly is "out of whack". I think it looks great. I have no suggestions about this craft, because I don't have the creative gene that allows people like you to create thse beautiful things. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. laurie
LOL - no using the 'vintage' word here either! I have some serious decluttering to do myself!
Great jewerly...cute little bad he didn't work out but the butterfly is nice too. There is always a tommorrow to finish what we didn't get fact there are many tomorrows
Oh, I am loving all the jewelry! So beautiful! And yes, tomorrow is another day. Of course, I need to stop saying that so much! LOL
Wouldn't change a thing on the necklace with the charms. It's absolutely beautiful! Love it. Thank you for stopping by junkblossoms.
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