ETA: Ignore the above paragraph - I finally got the mosaic sized. :-D
Today was a beautiful Fall day, 77 degrees, low humidity, blue sky and sun shine. Would love for the weather to stay this way, but according to "them" it is not going to happen. I need to check and see if I have the ingredients to make a pot of soup tomorrow as "soup weather" is moving in. Did not walk today, as got my exercise cleaning leaves out of the courtyard. In a few more days - repeat chore.
An Observation: Don't know what it is about this time of the year, but I am more prone to buying and eating chocolate. Ooops!
Another Observation: Yard work plays havoc on your fingernails - Time for a manicure!!
Taking Inventory: Not for gifts, Christmas cards and such, as that is another list. But It is that time of the year that I stock up on things like personal items, household products, paper products, etc., etc.. Make out the list, take a deep breath and make that dreaded trip to WM. I know - Don't like to go there and all that, but I do save quiet a bit on certain items like that. Anyone else stock up on certain things before the "cold" months settle in?
Another necklace I finished - No vintage elements in this one.
Click picture to enlarge.
Have a great weekend!
I make a dreaded trip to Sam's and get lots of paper products and OTC meds I take. I do understand!
I love the beautiful cross! Looks very neat to wear of put on a dresser! Love the chains you use, too! ♥
77 degrees, oh how wonderful! We're looking at 60's tomorrow. Can't wait! I'm going to put some mulch in the garden to protect the new hydrangeas I planted this past summer.
Oh chocolate is ruling my world lately. Not good. Not good at all.
Nope, I don't stock up. Never even thought about it actually. Maybe I should . . .
It may not be vintage but it is certainly pretty and crosses are so "in" right now.
We are going to get hit with the weather tonight. It has been gorgeous and warm, but it will be 30 degrees cooler tomorrow and it was supposed to be raining now...but is isn't.
Oh my gosh! The header you already have is gorgeous and the one you'd like to use is gorgeous too! I know it can be a bear, this collage and header stuff! I can't resize pictures for the life of me!
Hi Glenda,
Love that beautiful necklace! Your jewelry making is truly impressive. The past couple of days have been gorgeous, haven't they? I guess rain's on the way, but that can be nice too.
Hope your weekend goes well...
That is a really beautiful necklace Glenda! Just love that one!
And I eat more sweets this time of year too. Maybe its the shorter days or something.
love this weather (today) and love your necklace...i can't say the same about WM! happy weekend!
Your header turned out great!! I love it. Your necklace is beautiful too. It looks very vintage. :)
Very pretty, Glenda! I like your new header too. The temp was 80 degrees here yesterday and 60's at night. The furniture I believe, all came from inside the house. There were still big pieces in the house that we looked at. I was curious as to what he would furnish the mansion after he renovates it. I hope not with modern ones....Christine
Well, you have to eat all the left over Halloween candy. Good thing I bought chocolate I love. Great cross.
I had the same problem trying to size a banner a few days ago. Nearly drove me crazy. I finally made it into a mosaic and said enough! (My best friend calls WM Hellmart!)
Glenda, looks like you got your mosaic sized for your header. It's so pretty. I seldom go to WM any more. Both of my adult children live in town, and I have them trained to call me if they are going to WM, so I can give them my list and some money to make my purchases! It's wonderful! I kept meaning to thank you for sending me the info on the encyclopedias. I haven't had time to get one of mine out and check the date. I'll let you know when I finally get that done. Love your cross neclace. laurie
Glenda, Your mosaic turned out great for your header! It's been so long since I set up my blog and I don't think I'd remember how to do it anymore! LOL So I guess I won't be changing anything any time soon.
Like the new cross you just finished. :-)
~ Sue
Love your new header! Yes, I try to stock up when I go to the dreaded WM too. I don't like to go there very often. Glad you had a sunny weekend!
Glenda, Great necklace! Yes I do the stock up trips, I live forty five minutes from Wal Mart, Sams or Kroger, so unles I want to make the drive weekly, I have to stock up. Yes, thinking about it does count!!! Thanks for visiting.
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