Went to an estate sale on Saturday and bought this cross, angel pin and some eye pins to go in my jewelry supplies. Woman at the sale said the cross was made from the metal of a very old horse bridle. I was going to ask if she had more information about it, but when I got ready to check out, there was some kind of "drama" going on between her and someone else working the sale, and I was not interested in being around with that going on, so paid and left.
After a stop for lunch, went to the flea market and that is where I got the mercury dime from a coin dealer (above picture) that was made the year I was born, and it had been gold plated for $3. Will be working that into a piece of jewelry.
The aluminum religious medals (below), I bought from a vendor that had a lot of silver charms, lockets,vintage jewelry, but was pretty pricey. Also, the vendors (husband and wife), acted like they were mad at each other. (?) Won't waste my time typing out that story.
The vendor I bought the tiny salt spoon and demitasse spoon from in September here , was there , and I had hoped to buy more of the salt spoons but she had sold all of them. :( She said it was getting harder to find them, especially at a reasonable price.
My Experience at the Flea market: Did a lot of looking, bought very little, listened to conversations between sellers and buyers, then watching the buyers walk away without buying.
More vendors than when I went in September, but just more with the imported "stuff", yet they appeared to be the ones selling. Very sad. :(
Linking up with "Nifty Thrifty Tuesday" http://linda-coastalcharm.blogspot.com/
Have a great week!
ETA: Did a little research on the cross - It is made out of horseshoe nails, not part of a bridle.
Love those poinsettias. I may have to hit HD tomorrow. All of your jewelry finds look great! Hope you have a great week.
Hi Glenda! What pretty poinsettias you bought and what a great price! I need to stop by HD to see if they have any of those here. I hope you're having a good evening.
Take care.
Those are nice looking ones! I'll have to make a trip to HD this week and see if mine as any out yet. They were setting up the Christmas tree area over the weekend.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Looks like a trip to Home Depot is in store for me :) Great buy and they're such a nice size!
That is a very interesting looking cross. Too bad you didn't find out more about it!
poinsettias already! I can not believe the holidays are here already!
The poinsetttas are gorgeous, Glenda, They really dress your counter up festively...Christine
Pretty poinsettias. And sorry about the flea market. Around here true flea markets are hard to come by. Most are just junk, junk and more junk. And by junk I mean imported ugly stuff.
Thanks for coming to my party with all your THRIFTY treasures...what a beautiful cross. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Hi Glenda. I didn't do a thing to the metal (other than giving it a good wipe) before spray painting it. I did cover the holes where the light bulbs go but that was it. Dh hung the chandelier outside and I spray painted. I started at the top and worked my way down. That's it. I gave it a good three coats just to be sure.
Around here it is hard to find flea markets that aren't imported stuff or what looks like the leftovers from a bad garage sale. I see some of the pictures of flea markets that others go to...nothing like that here!
Did you read my post last year about broken poinsettia blossoms? If you take a lighter or match and burn the end where it is broket to seal it, it will last in a vase of water a very long time. I love to make bouquets of cut pointsettias.
Pretty Poinsettas!
And your kitchen is so cute even when the counter is messy!
Happy Thanksgiving too!
Hi there, love those poinsettias. They do not do well at my house with my black thumb, or I would have them at Christmas. The red is my favorite and 3.99 is a great price! Have a happy Thanksgiving. Teresa
Wow! You got some great stuff! Love the cross!
Hi Glenda, looking forward to seeing what you do with the coin. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Hi, I really like that interesting cross and you were lucky to get those religious medals. I can't seem to find them at a good price. I really understand your frustration with the flea market. The dealer I used to buy all kinds of watch parts from rarely has them anymore, and when he does, the prices are outrageous.
I hope you and your family have a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving, Hugs.
I love the religious metal charms. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Those poinsettias look great. You found some wonderful little treasures. I especially like the gold-plated mercury dime with your birth year. What fun. That cross looks like a horseshoe nail cross, but it could have bridle parts, too; I'm no horsewoman.
Thanks for the tip on the prices at HD (Home Depot?). Yes, I was in Kroger last night, and after seeing the price, put that plant down. I will now make one more trip out...to Home Depot.
The different religious medals are interesting. Near us is a monestary that I like to browse through and look at all the medals - they also make bread.
I appreciate your leaving a note when you dropped by my blog.
Have a great holiday.
Hi Glenda! Im your newest follower and LOOOOOOVE your blog! My mom does miniatures and im FACINATED with them! I cant wait to spend time roaming around your blog :) I would Love for you to visit my 13 xmas trees and decor...plus a GIVEAWAY!
Love your poinsettias their very pretty... and looks like you found some great treasures! It is sad that the imported things is what is selling!!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Blessings~~~ Daphne
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