OK - On to other business.
Thanks a Zillion: A serious "Thank You" for all the very nice comments about the necklaces I posted about in my last post "Favorite Projects 2010". I still have some emails to answer concerning that post and will do that within the next couple of days.
A Big Welcome: Welcome to the new "Readers" who have joined in. Just a warning - I have a tendency to ramble! :-D
After 3 Days: After 3 days of "the gang" being in and out, the sound of laughter, good times and children's voices it is now very quiet. Three days of eating the wrong foods, being afraid of stepping on the scales and very thankful I don't have to have blood tests done any time soon. Actually - I think I have done pretty good during this holiday season.
Even managed to have black eyed peas (in the form of Texas Caviar) for good luck, and greens (in the form of baby spinach) for money, on New year's day. Had some guests that said they did not like black eyed peas, but decided they were pretty good in Texas Caviar and scooped up with white corn tortilla chips. The baby spinach was not an issue since everyone liked salad. :-D
I am making new lists of things I need to accomplish in the near future, and took my old list and marked off some things that no longer seem important to me.
What do I plan to do the next couple of days?: A ton of bed and bath linens need to be washed, rest of the Christmas decor stored, upstairs cleaned, thank you cards written, etc., etc.
Definitely hope to play catchup on visiting blogs - I am so far behind.
I had planned to do a post for a giveaway for my first post of 2011, but due to everything else going on, it did not happen, but will be doing one in the very near future.
Have a great week!
Cute baby photo, Glenda. Made me smile.
Still not finished with taking down Christmas, but decided to make a run to the lake anyway. Have to take the chance when we have a few days of good weather.
Oh Glenda, I am in the middle of a cleaning and purging frenzy and won't be doing much of anything else for days! LOL As I clean, I am getting rid of things I cannot believe I own. Now I want to sell everything and start fresh! aaaggghhh..... Wishing you a very happy new year to come, my friend. Sue
Happy New Year, Glenda. I served black eyed peas with baby greens salad for our day before New Year's eve party and the guests like it. It was the first time I tried it and was surprised that I liked it too. How nice that you had your tree taken down, I'll wait for the 6th to do mine cause I am having another dinner party tomorrow.....Christine
Well I wish I could say I'd been good this holiday season but I wasn't! If it had sugar, fat or artery clogging substances, I ate it! Now I'm dreading that scale....But not so much that I actually DO something....So I'm glad I don't have to have any blood tests either *winks*
So can I ask what you decided wasn't important any more on your old list? Vanna
Glenda I hear your pain, I do the same thing every year, and every year do the same thing over. Happy new Year.
Sounds like we are in the same "boat". I am ready for some peace and quiet and "normalcy". Lots to do and not enough time to do it. :-) Have a great New Year!
I know just how you feel Glenda and I feel your pain!
Look at that little cutie Granddaughter! She has really pretty red hair!
I do the same thing each and every year Glenda. I try to make things easier for the next time I have to pull out those totes, but each time it's the same thing. Ugh! Just glad to have everything back to "normal" around here. Great pic of the little one!
I know. I said I wasn't going to cram anything else into our tiny attic. But that we did with some of the Xmas stuff. After it's all over, you're just bone tired...
Hi Glenda,
Thanks for stopping by while I was MIA in December.
I sure understand about it taking forever to put in all away. Kudos to you for all you've done this early in January.
I just LOVE all your beautiful jewelry pieces below.
Take good care,
Glenda, if you've got your tree down, I'd say you're doing great! It so fun to have the family visit, but it's kind of nice to go back to the quiet days of no company. Wishing you a wonderful 2011! laurie
I'm right with you on being behind! We were gone 10 days and dad was waiting when I got home...grandkids, my son...today was my first day "home alone"! My Christmas is put away, but I can't remember what to put back in place..lol! Oh well, it will eventually get done!
Hi Glenda, your life sounds busy. Darling picture.
Happy New Year!!!!
I adore that little peek~a~boo baby pic! Ya know I'm 58 years old and have never ever tried black`eyed~peas. Guess I need to add that to my bucket list, huh???
We had the whole clan here over New Year celebratin' Christmas. Whew, what a ride!! Monday I knocked down the trees and put away all the decorations...they seem to be mulitplyin'...maybe I should of thrown some birth control into the boxes...Heeeeheheh!!!
God bless you sweetie and have a glorious New Year!!!
Hi Glenda, Sounds like you've been a busy girl lately. I took care of the Christmas stuff, but the cleaning is still waiting to happen. It didn't get too bad around here though. The black eyed peas sound good to me! I stepped on that dreaded scale this morning for the first time in ages. I'm paying for what I ate over the holidays. Time for a change now....It'll happen;-)
That baby made me laugh.....so adorable! Found you through Daphne Nicole....love your blog!
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