For someone that has not been outside for 5 days (due to snow and bitter cold), except to take the garbage out and go to the mailbox, I sure have NOT accomplished a whole lot. Oh - I did the usual such as laundry ,
play on the computer, cleaned bathrooms, play on the computer, sort and organize jewelry making supplies, play on the computer, swiffer, vacuum, dust, play on the computer , and the list goes on. You get the picture ! :D
You would think with time on my hands, that I would have put a major dent in my "to do" list - but it just did not happen. There is that "list" again !!! One of these days you will open my blog and read where I actually accomplished several things on that list, and you will be telling me to check my temperature, since there must be something wrong with me. :-DWe have a real heat wave for Saturday - suppose to be 45 !! Yay! Have a list of things I need to do, since I know I won't turn to an
icicle if I walk out the door. Never thought I would get excited over 45 degrees. :-D
Remember these spoons ?
Posted about here. Well.......I decided to use the salt spoon (smallest one) in a piece of jewelry.

Well - Let me tell you! This little gadget
will not punch a hole in that metal ! :(
I kept turning (very hard), thinking the bit was going thru the metal. Then it would not turn anymore, so removed the spoon. The hole punch had not even made a dent in the spoon, but damaged the bit. Sooooo...I spent a good bit of time filing the bit, and am hoping it will work again.
I have a drill and a drill bit that I think is small enough to use. One problem - a screw driver attachment is on there now , and I am not sure I can change it out. I know - y'all are reading this thinking "what is wrong with her - that is so simple". Well.........Let me "splain". There are certain power tools that intimidate me and a power drill is one of them.
Just another Dab of This and That.
Enjoy your weekend!
I too have barely ventured out with about 16 inches of snow left and I have not even dusted yet! But we had three kids home all week. I think all I did was cook and clean up after them! I guess I should get to work now!!
Glenda I am ready to leave the house tomorrow also. I didn't get that much done on my list either and I'm not sure why? Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Oh no! Im impressed that you would even attempt to use that drill. I'm scared of ALL power tools!
I've been planning to mop the kitchen and bathroom floors for a good week myself. And here I am visiting on the computer!
Well hal-lay-loo-ya!! 45 and you're good ta go!!...G I did the same thing and I don't even have any snow, so I think you done good girlfriend!! And DO NOT let that drill intimidate you! Wear good eye wear and show that darn drill who's boss! *winks* I can't wait to see what you do with it! Vanna
I never knew I would be excited to get above freezing here in the South! I am tired of the snow! I am not getting much done around here either :)
I'm with you on the whole power drill thing. A solder gun runs a close second!
At least you know how to use a power drill, Glenda. I have never even attempted to....Christine
I think you should just throw your to-do list out the window and play with your spoon and power tools...
Been cold here too---a couple nights in a row of double-digit below zero temps, days in single digits...above. uck.
But around 40 {above!} today....nice!!!!!
Sweet lady, I know you will conquer that little spoon. Can't wait to see what you do to get the hole in it.
Hey, somebody do a tutorial on the power driver/drill!
Hugs, Ginger
Good luck with those power tools. I am hoping to get something accomplished today. We will see. Enjoy our heat wave today. Ha.
A girl with power tools...I would be dangerous LOL!
Glenda thanks so much for your insight. Of course my roll goes up and down too, but that is the nature of blogging. Don't worry about offending people with your opinion. If you feel strong about it, than express it. I will be sure to lose followers today LOL!~ Oh well, I stick to what I say. Have a great weekend..and get out of the house.
I have never tried power tools. I am definitely intimidated by them.
I must admit I have a case of cabin fever.:-)
Oooh, you sure are much colder than we are here, still no sunshine today:( I like your new header. Sorry to hear about the spoon and gadget mishap. Is your spoon silver plate or stainless? I stamp on silver plate because the stainless is just to darn hard. Hope you can repair your tool.
Hugs, stay warm.
I think 45 sounds almost balmy! We got to 27 today I think...big deal! I think it is hard to get things done when it is cold, I just want to snuggle under a blanket!
Hi Glenda,
Sounds like you have a major hole problem...hee hee. Good luck and keep us posted if you find a solution ! Maybe you just need a hunky strong man to do it for u ??
I hope you find the right bit, a piece of jewelry out of a spoon has me intriqued. Hope you're staying in and staying warm.
hugs ~lynne~
Oh, I would be going nuts if I couldn't get out and about! I am way too social. LOL I guess that is why I blog. :-) I can sympathize w/ getting on the computer, doing a little job, getting on the computer, then finishing (or starting) another job.... Endless cycle!!! I hope you get the hole in the spoon punched eventually. I am challenged when it comes to some power tools, like a saw. When I want something done, I usually just smile nicely and mention the project to a kind neighbor guy and he usually offers to help. Guess he takes pity... I ain't no dummy! ha ha
Stay warm. It's snowing today but not cold. I'm still looking forward to spring, though. ~ Sue
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