What does this picture have to do with this post? Not a single thing - just thought everyone out there in the land of blog who is tired of snow, cold rain, gray and brown landscapes, might enjoy some flowers.
Thank You: Thank you so much for all the nice compliments on the jewelry I make - it means a lot. It is something I really enjoy doing.
An Observation: Recently, I was looking for something I had posted about a while ago, and noticed some typos/spelling errors that I did not catch before I posted . Many times I am on the computer "hit and run", and don't do a very good job of proof reading. Is this common in the "land of blog", or am I just a sloppy blogger? :D Anyway - If you see my errors, feel free to let me know, or just pretend they are not there.
Blast From the Past: Recently, my daughter asked me if I knew how to macrame (she knows how old I am) . Even in it's "hay day", I never did learn. She remembers the hangers I had when she was growing up with the airplane plants and pothos that hung in the dining area window (they were becoming outdated then).
Another blast from the past - Remember taking wicker covered wine bottles/demi johns using them for candle holders, and letting the wax drip all down the sides. What were we thinking?!?! I had some of those and am pretty sure they got pitched in the trash or sold in a yard sale for a quarter or fifty cents (if you were lucky). Do you know what vintage wicker covered wine bottles like that cost now days !?!? :-D
I can just hear it now - Some bloggers out there are going "what is she talking about"?
That would be the "younger" group . :-D
Have a great weekend !!
Thank you SO much for the beautiful iris, they're my favorite flower.
I never learned to macrame, but my mom went crazy with it back in the early 70's. When I got my first apartment, half the macrame came with me. Don't know how I ever had time to water all those hanging plants, and our carpet always wet.
Thanks for sharing a bit of spring.
Glenda I do remember those bottles! You would find them in pizza parlors for ambience with the wax melted all over them. And yes I DO know what they sell for now! The money we could have made hindsight being 20/20. No I certainly don't rate as the "younger crowd" anymore! Lol!
And yes please I'll take a BIG dose of the flower power! I'm getting so tired of ice and snow. Vanna
I do remember the bottles...I never had any but I think I remember them in restaurants maybe. It sure will be nice to see some beautiful iris...soon...
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog, Glenda! Looks like you've been making some very pretty jewelry too. :)
I know of the wicker bottles you're talking about it. I also remember covering old maple syrup bottles with tiny pieces of masking tape and shoe polish to make it look like leather! Those were the days... lol!
Oh my goodness, Glenda! I had a couple of those hangers. Never did figure out how to do macrame. My cousin did a macrame window treatment for a bathroom. She put the rod up in the holders and worked on the treatment from there, now and then.
I remember those wax dripped demi johns too!:-)
Loved the iris...much needed here after our Thursday snow!
Thank you Glenda for the bit of cheer and sunshine you bring this Saturday morning. Enjoy the weekend. XO
Beautiful iris! Spring really is on its way. I can't wait!
I took a macrame class in collage, don't remeber a thing. Oh well, I also studies the trumpet, don't know a note now. Time! Time! Time! goes by. Richard from My Old Historic House
Hi Glenda, thnaks for sharing that beautifully colored iris. I see mine coming up but no buds yet but I do not have this pretty color....Christine
I think we were thinking we were mighty hot......
Such cutting edge decorators....
And just for the record, I did NOT learn how to macrame.
I did, however, have all the hanging plants.
Oh the memories Glenda! I did make a macrame plant holder back in the day. It was the ugliest thing ever, but since I had put work into it, it hung in our house for a couple of years! I do remember dripping candles on the bottles encased in wicker. I did a lot of them for a spaghetti dinner I was having one time. Wish I still had those things-I'd be picking candle wax off of them. laurie
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