Okee DoKee..........Let's move on to my productive day today. After having coffee and a fruit and cereal bar this morning, I decided to get off the computer and get some things done.
Vacuum downstairs - Check
Dust - Kinda sorta
Clean 1/2 bath - 1/2 of a check. We will get back to that. OK ?
Update pictures of Grands in frames while waiting for bathroom floor to dry - Now that is what got me distracted !!!!!! I never did get the Grands most current pictures in the frames, as I pulled out a container of pictures that I took at a wedding over three years ago with a one time use camera. I glanced thru them, remembering a beautiful wedding, luncheon, and evening reception afterwards. I remember taking this picture so well, as I was leaving the luncheon. It was a gorgeous day with blue skies, warm temps and this was the view as I walked out of the club house.
Click on picture to enlarge.

Let me "splain" the rest of the day. I took the photo upstairs where the scanner is, and after scanning it, then decided to look at some other pictures I had on a CD and uploading them, then deleting some pictures I did not think I had further use for. Well.....You get the picture!
Hope you got more accomplished today than I did - I am so easily distracted these days !
I think you did more than I did, Glenda. My daughter is here visiting and I took her downtown to go shopping. I want to plant and work in the garden a bit but the weather was so nice so Rochelle and I just lounged and had tea on the deck....Christine
Well, you sure accomplished more around your house than I did. My mom is coming tomorrow and I should have cleaned...maybe she won't notice.
The price of gas here has me rethinking my little trips:(
Gorgeous landscape picture!!
You are too funny !
I think now that gas prices are so high, I will lose weight because
I will have to use my grocery money to buy gas ! I am hearing the pain...especially because
it cost me $70 to fill up my Suburban ! Grrrrrrrrrrr :o)
I did laundry, cleaned the bathroom and did some dishes. Not that much but I'm happy that I got that done!
Aren't the prices awful? I don't really pay a lot of attention to food prices. There are just 2 of us and I tend to buy what sounds good which means fruits, veggies and chicken...with a few other things thrown in. Last night I was at the store and was going to grab a jar of Hellman's Mayo (just a normal size) and it was over $6. What? I live in small town nowhere. I'm really seeing a difference at the check out...and gas? Ugh.
Distracted? Who me? Never. That is why I'm reading this at almost 11:00 p.m.!
I NEVER get distracted!!! LOL
I start one thing and another thing and nothing gets done! At least you got something accomplished!
The gas prices do me in!
I always get distracted when I start looking at pictures! I need to change out and update the g'kids pictures too..I know when I get started I will be "lost" for a day.:-)
So far I have done not a thing today but drink coffee and try and play catch up on comments ha ha!! I always do that get behind and then try and catch up..I love being retired ha ha!! Hope you have a GREAT weekend my Dear friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Again you did a lot more than I did! *winks* I managed to get one blog post done and I'm exhausted! And it was a little shorty one too. So I'm sittin' back now with coffee in hand and surfing ahhhhhhhh sweet relief! That WAS a great view girlfriend! I wish I could see it live. Vanna
I get easily distracted too Glenda!
I start a project, then go to another.
I think this time of year, when I am so anxious for spring tends to make me feel that way.
Pretty pic and view!
I once saw a T-shirt that said, "Some people say I have ADD. They just don't understand......oh look...there's a chicken! Ha!
Anyway, you sure got a lot done for being distracted. Kudos to you. : )
Happy weekend,
Mary Lou
I like the part where you say about dusting---kinda sorta.
I'm lucky if I get that far.
I hate dusting.
Don't do so well on the vacuum part either.
I'd rather clean that 1/2 bath.....
Oh, I flit from one thing to the next, these days! LOL I spent the day looking things up so I could book our trip to the furniture market next month. I was in the midst of choosing seats when the husband called and said we should go on different days! wow- he caught me just in time. So I researched again & bought our tickets. Then I booked a car, changed the dates for the hotel, and spent the rest of the afternoon just vegging! whew- what a day. LOL
Tomorrow, I clean the upstairs!
~ Sue
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