Picture I took in neighborhood............

Have you ever traveled VPike ? I have! I really had to do some "brain searching" to remember some of the addresses where I have lived over the years. I was really amazed at the major changes in the neighborhoods. Yeah! I know - We are talking many years, many, many years involved here! I made a list of places I have lived over the years. Could not always remember the exact street number, but typed in the approx. address (more often just the name of the street) and was surprised at what I came up with. There are several places that I can't even remember the name of the street much less the house number (still working on that).
Some places still standing and still as pretty as it was many years ago, some not so much, and some wiped out and new homes built (actually not new any more).
I think the real surprise was one place I lived is not only still standing, but in good condition considering how old it is, but suspect the neighborhood is not what it used to be. I did not have a car when lived there. Walked to the bus stop on the corner - in a pair of "High Heels" !! Yes !! Everyday!! - Five Days a A Week!!!! Walked in them all day - trips to court house, federal bldg., bank, post office, lunch, shopping during lunch time, dinner and shopping after got off from work, night life after work. Then walked blocks back to the bus stop to go home - rain or shine!!!!!
Ladies - come down off those stilts !!! Take my word - they will come back to haunt you !!!
I also remember the first TV (black and white)I bought after striking out on my own - had to make monthly payments (hard to set up when new on a job) but got it done and paid it off in a short time.
Just a trip down memory lane!
Glenda, the only time I wear heels is when I go to a wedding. I live in my hiking boots. My feet never hurt and I don't care what anyone else thinks about how they look. They are so comfortable to wear. sandi
This is a fun post Glenda.
I have lived here there and everywhere over the past 67 years. Many years my father was in military as well as my first husband, when we were married.
A few years ago when we were in Nashville, J and I found the two places I lived there. That is where my oldest daughter was born. Anyway, both those places look exactly the same as if they were in a time capsule. I was married to my kids' dad then and I even found the place where he worked. It isn't the same business and has been altered, but the footprint of the original building and roofline remain the same. I walked almost everywhere there, or took the bus down to Vanderbilt for my doctor appts. This was in the Green Hills section of Nashville. There have been a few other places I've revisited, some changed and some remain as if untouched by the years.
The only time I wear high heels is somewhere special! I love living in my flip flops in the summer :)
Thanks for the memories...high heels, oh yes. Everyday for years and years. Now I'm in sandals most of the time and loving it.
I've searched on Google before to find street views of the places I once lived. Isn't it fun? I also searched my Grandmother's home where I spent so much time as a child. They remodelled it years ago, but I still recognize the park across the street.
Great post Glenda.
I've never heard of VPike, but I've Googled it and will check it out now. I agree about those high heels. I didn't spend much time in stilettos, but I'm of the age of high wedges (they are back again)! Now, if I'm in heels for more than an hour, I can barely walk. Nice the the flats are getting better looking!
Thanks for letting us know about this Site. I'll be checking it out.
After reading this Post, I'm shocked you can still walk!! : )
Giveaway at my place!
Oh high heels ... just a fond memory now. I'm trying to figure out if I can get away with wearing flats for Alida's wedding. Probably not,huh?
I love the purple butterfly on the flowers in your header ... what a great touch!
Happy rain.
I can't believe I used to live in high heels.... And I mean 4+ inchers. Now if I wear them for even 5 minutes I'm dying! I had to sell a beautiful pair of Dolce Gabbana boots that I'd purchased in Italy because lovely tho they were, I could NOT wear them! Grrr it must be a gettin' old thing.
And Glenda I need to be on a shopping diet myself. Not that that will be hard because good stuff has been near impossible to find lately. At least the sun is finally shining! Vanna
I have not worn high heels in years ... my feet hurt just thinking of them..lol! It's flats or sneakers most of the time. Fun post, Glenda!
I sure remember those shoes with spiked heels, Glenda. I used to wear them too, to school so you know I had them on all day. Now I can't even wear them even just to go out to dinner. I'll take my flip flops anytime....Christine
I've only lived in 3 houses and they are all within 5 miles of eachother - ha! I guess I need to venture out of my comfort zone a little huh?
Great post Glenda!
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