The abalone piece was part of a bracelet at one time. I bought the broken bracelet at a yardsale years ago and honestly do not remember what I paid for it - couldn't have been to much. Took it apart and ended up with 3 of the abalone pendant/charms, and just now doing something with one of them. The cross came from a bead show - think I paid $3 for a pkg. of 3, added a few glass beads, put on a chain and called it done.

Anyone that reads my blog very often knows that I have a tendency to get sidetracked often.
That is why my "To Do" lists are so long.
Linking up with: Diann @ "Thrifty Things Friday"
Cindy @ "Show and Tell Friday"
Have a great weekend and stay cool!
That's really pretty! :D
LOL...I get sidetracked too Glenda. Love that cross, I just love it!
Well, you come up with some stuff I'd never have dreamed of, and all so beautiful! Have I told you how much I want your courtyard?
Girlfriend I am the QUEEN of sidetracked! Lol! And I don't usually accomplish anything useful and beautiful like you do *winks*
The new necklace looks fab draped on your bird like that! (I'm storing that idea away for later use)
And girlfriend I don't know what happened last weekend? I've almost never found so many good things at such good prices... (makes me a little sceered actually because I hope it isn't the economy driving the antique stores out) but I have to stop because those beans of mine are getting pretty watery...and I have zero space! Vanna
Very beautiful creation!
Blessings ~Wendy
So pretty Glenda. If you create something like this when you get sidetracked, I'd say getting sidetracked is a good thing! laurie
Really pretty piece. I get sidetracked,too.
I love it! Sometimes it takes time for inspiration to kick in. Better late than never, right? I get myself so sidetracked when I sit down to make jewelry. It never fails...I sit down to make one thing and end up with something completely different. It's all good!! I started and finished something yesterday that I've had in mind for months.
I love this piece, Glenda!
The abalone and cross pendants look so pretty, Glenda. The necklace is beautifully put together.Grandkids coming from both daughters and one possibly having twins. Talk about having 2 pregnant guests, all we did was eat! LOL!...Christine oh never! LOL. I love this necklace. It came out gorgeous! Thank you for joining TTF and have a wonderful weekend!
Sidetracked? Oh golly, that's how I work, too -- always finding the "something else" to do on the way to doing what I first planned.
Love the necklace -- you do such beautiful work.
I hope your weather has calmed down by now! What a stormy spring it's been, pretty much everywhere.
Have a grand weekend!
Sometimes sidetracked is the best track:)
Love your newest creation!
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