Most of what is going on around the "Dab of This and That" house these days are not things to post about. So..... I dug around in my pictures, and these are some I took when in Franklin, TN about 3 yrs. ago. After starting this post, I remembered I posted over 2 1/2 yrs. ago about visiting the old cemetery, so some of you may remember seeing them already.
Click on picture to enlarge.

This couple had 3 children and all died very young - very sad.

Took some of them to picasa and did a little editing.
The pictures pretty much speak for them self.............
Just a different effect............

Linking up with Mary @
"Mosaic Monday".
Hope everyone has a great week.
Hi Glenda
I think that I do remember that old post - but I think old cemeteries are a great place to visit.
Enjoy your weekend!
Too sad. I cannot imagine the unbearable grief.
Isn't this a pretty cemetery.
That is so sad about the children! I wonderful if there was an epidemic of some kind at the time.
I like to walk through cemeteries and look at the headstones with the names and dates. Such history! Where Amber is buried the cemetery is not that old (must have been started in the 60's) I can just walk and walk and entertain myself. Some of the names I have never heard!
Hi Glenda,
You must show us some of your new beads you bought! I just love a good bead show. Hope you make lots of pretties with them! Have a great week.
I love the peace and tranquility in old cemeteries and I love the name of this one.
There is a lot of history to be enjoyed in a cemetery, thank you for sharing your interesting photos.
Great effects. The last is my favourite. I like the dreamy look.
Cemeteries offer great scope for the imagination, as Anne of Green Gables would say.
I am sure I've read a million posts since you posted this so it is "new" to me...I always enjoy these old cemeteries...Have a beautiful week!!!
Great effects! Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice week,
This is new to me since I wasn't a blogger back then. Cemeteries are the most interesting places, actually they're really beautiful.
I always think it's so sad to see how many children died at an early age years ago. You got some wonderful photos! ♥
I really think I could live in Franklin, but it unless I get my daughter to isn't on the wishlist for retirement!
I don't seem to be doing much here worth posting either. I do everything in 2 hour segments...between puppy walking, playing and sleeping. I'm not used to having to take care of something and while I'm not enjoying every moment of walking the dog when it is raining and cold (our old dog just goes out and comes back in-no walker necessary)she really has been a good thing for me. You can't help but find some joy when a warm little cute thing is curled up in your lap!
They are using the "flurries" word here today-ugh!
The mosaics are wonderful Glenda!
Such an interesting post. I love your mosaics... may borrow your idea and go for a walk in a couple of ours if the weather holds.. hugs ~lynne~
I do remember this. Old monuments provide a history lesson, and I like visiting old cemeteries. Pretty mosaics. I posted about what's going on in my life, even though it's not something that is of interest to anyone but me and my family. laurie
Great photos! I love strolling through old cemeteries!
Hope you have a great day,
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