I can definitely see why "those with disposable income" pay someone else to take care of all those "chores" for them !
Anyway - back to the "L" word. Recently I had to look for a note I had made about some info I needed for an order and ended up digging thru a pile of lists, notes, etc.. So spent some time going thru and marking off things already done, already bought, calls made, etc.. You get the picture. We will see just how long they stay organized this time.
Question: Why did it take 8 days for a package to arrive from 1025 miles away, and only 2 days to receive one from 1100 miles. Both same size, same service and same rate. And they talk about raising rates again !?!?
Don't know how much I will be around this week: I have a list a mile long (or seems that long) of things that I need to get done this next week, so will check in when I can to see what everyone else has accomplished, whether it be creating, decorating, renovating, sharing trips, posting about everyday life, or special happenings, etc..
What ever is on your agenda for the week - Have a great one!
Love the PicMonkey makeover. Oh that dreaded list, I don't just have one list, I have sticky notes all over the place. Sometimes the notes hang around so long, the sticky part wears off and the note is gone forever. You'll get there...eventually! Enjoy your week.
I actually am not a list maker...at least on paper. I make them before trips and sometimes for the grocery store, but rarely otherwise. I seem to keep a running list in my head.
I could really go on about packages right now. My daughter sent me a Mother's Day gift the Saturday a week before Mother's Day. It didn't get here. At all.
She insured it, so when she called the post office on Friday and told them it had been almost 2 weeks...they told her the insurance label was from 2002. What? Then the lady said that the package was in Chicago and that my daughter had used an old box and the wrong label. Nope. She bought one of those pay a certain amount and put it all in the box boxes the day she mailed it, the postal worker put the label on and taped up the package. The lady just kept telling her it was in Chicago. She had to repeatedly remind the lady that her mother doesn't live in Chicago.
They were supposed to call her back with info...they have not. Ugh. I feel worse because it is my daughter who is out money for a gift I never got.
Lists I lose! I try to keep them in my head and I know it won't all get done.
When I want something to be delivered it is going to get lost or left somewhere else ... my luck.
I have nothing much going on around here except work and more work.
Like your pic Glenda!
I also liked your comment about having some disposable income to pay someone to do certain tasks.
Sure would be nice wouldn't it?
Oh well, I don't think I am ever going to be rich.
Enjoy your week, chores and lists are always with us!
Thanks, Glenda, hope you have a great and fruitful week, too! Love the new header photo, by the way!
Things are so busy here too! Lists and so much to do. Are weeds there crazy this year like they are here?
Hi darling, how's that list coming along? If you're like me 1 gets marked off and 3 or 4 added, it's a never ending list. Hope you're having a terrific day. Thanks for all of your help and hanging in there with me it means the world.. hugs ~lynne~
Just me again, forgot to mention it is a fun place to visit, I don't always buy can't afford that, always fun to shop and dream, dream LARGE.. hugs ~lynne~
Makin' a list and checkin' it twice. Mine is gettin' waaaay to long to.
Seems this is the time of year as the activity picks up 'round the Ponderosa, I have trouble bloggin' and end up stressin' 'bout it. Booger!!!
Love the picture sweetie. When my Iris stopped bloomin' I thinned 'em out. Worked like a charm!
God bless ya darlin' and I hope your havin' a most productive day! :o)
Talk about lists, I have so muich to do, Glenda. WQe just arrived last night from Atlanta so I am still unpacking and outting stuff away. diong laundry and opening packages that came while I was gone. Then, I have to prepare for a reunion with college friends. 8 of them are all arriving on June
2nd and we will have a blast bonding here for A week....Christine
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