Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday

Wednesday again - and time for "Outdoor Wednesday" hosted by Susan @ http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com. Few weeks ago I found a baby bird in my courtyard and could tell immediately it's neck was broken. :( I left it alone, knowing there was nothing I could do for it. Don't know if it fell or got pushed out of the nest. My Daughter came over later that day and put on a paper towel and held it for a while, then put it down next to a flower pot. It would try to move, but could not lift it's head up. The next morning, it was a few inches off of the paper towel and had died. Well - a few days ago one of it's sibblings paid me a visit. It stayed on the back of the chair for a long time.
I thought it had gone off and when I went back outside, it had hopped down on a pot of petunias.
The parents were very unhappy that I was out there taking pictures and to close to their "toddler". I know one thing - They should have put a diaper on that "kid" . :-D Don't know what they were feeding it, but it left a mess all over the chair, table and patio, and I had to hose everything off the next day after it traveled on.
That is where they were raised - Not a good picture. You can barely see the nest. The limbs overhang my courtyard.
This is my contribution to "Outdoor Wednesday". If you have not already, go on over to visit Susan to see what she and the other participants have to share today.
Hope you are having a great week


Unknown said...

Happy Outdoor Wednesday Glenda! You are so funny...diaper on that toddler! Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

stefanie said...

so silly, cute baby bird. you are now his auntie.

Kammy said...

Happy Outdoor Wednesday !
Your photots are lovely ! Thanks for sharing and have a great day !
Hugs ~ Kammy
p.s. this is my first Outdoor Wednesday - it is so much fun !

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Diaper on that toddler - too funny! Great pictures!


grannyann said...

What a sad story. I often see baby pigeons that fall or a cat gets them and it makes me feel bad.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I bet that sibling was coming to thank you for caring for his brother/sister bird! What a kind heart you have...even if the one did poop on your flowers! maybe he was fertilizing for you?

My cat got one the other day...I think my husband saved it....

I like your petunias...pretty color. Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog.


Domestic Designer said...

What great pictures! Thanks!

Shannon said...

So cute! This happened to me the other day too! :)

mel said...

How sad about your first baby bird visitor. I am glad that this one is ok. He is very cute! Your brave. I would be too scared of mom and dad bird to try to take a picture!!

Claudia said...

Love the upclose picture of your baby.

The other evening I walked out on my porch to find a visitor like yours. He would not budge.

AND like yours left white gifts EVERYwhere...ugggh.

I finally convinced him to visit another family and sat out to clean my gifted porch!

Thanks for sharing..

Barb said...

Hi Glenda, your pictures are wonderful....made me smile.

Like your new blog design.


Beth at Aunties said...

You diaper comment was so funny! I wish all the birds here were potty trained at least away from our patio!

I am glad you took good care of the sweet one until it passed.

Happy Outdoor Wednesday...great post!


Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are lovely. Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful day.

Regina said...

Nice and beautiful shots. The bird looks so cute in between the purple flower.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Happy Outdoor Wednesday, Glenda! Neat post!!

Anonymous said...

I see you got your blog to going. It looks wonderful!

I love the photo of the bird in the petunias and I agree birds can be very messy. I would love to see some little birdy diapers though, lol ;o)

Laura said...

Those are amazing photographs and everything looks so pretty.


Anonymous said...

Aaawww how sad :-( Glad his(?) sibling is doing ok though and enjoying being near those lovely flowers. Nice shot.

Happy (and a little sad) outdoor Wednesday!


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh, that's sad about the poor little bird who died......and then HILARIOUS about the little guy who needed a diaper. Oooppps! A few years ago a bunch of barn swallows decided to call our front porch home....it was a poop bonanza! Ewwww....I did everything to try to get rid of those pests. They dive bombed me!


The Tattered Cottage said...

Glenda -
Great pics...so sad about your first little visitor. I think your second visitor stopped by my house (without his diaper) and left a mess for me on my patio that I had to hose off :)

The Green Pea said...

Glenda, thank you for the great pics, the little bird is so cute. Putting a diaper on the bird (good idea). Sandi