Time again for "Outdoor Wednesday" hosted by Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer"
http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/. Because it has been so hot here lately, with heat index readings in the triple digits, I have not been going outside any more than I have to. So decided to dig into my photos for pictures of the outdoors. As some of you know, I did a post on March 28th about the Carnton Plantation, Franklin, TN
http://dabofthisandthat.blogspot.com/2009/03/carnton-plantation-franklin-tn.html These are some of the pictures I took last Fall of the Military Cemetary.

This picture is of the formal gardens next to the house. To the left, you can see white tents set up where special events such as weddings, receptions, etc., are held.

Hope you enjoyed this little tour. I had hoped to go back to Franklin this Spring, but to many other things got in the way - maybe this Fall.
If you have not already, go over to see what she and the other participants have to share. Thank you Susan for hosting "Outdoor Wednesday".
Hope everyone is having a great week.
Beautiful photos, Glenda! I would love to visit this place.
Thanks for sharing your photos. I love looking at trips people take.
This was very cool.
TTFN~~Claudia ♥
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.It's been really hot here too in CA!
Beautiful photos Glenda... thanks so much for sharing.. hope your temps break soon. The last couple of days here have been wonderful.. even down right chilly at night.. we needed the break. It's way too early to be that hot here ..
hugs ~lynne~
Beautiful photos Glenda... thanks so much for sharing.. hope your temps break soon. The last couple of days here have been wonderful.. even down right chilly at night.. we needed the break. It's way too early to be that hot here ..
hugs ~lynne~
Glenda, I'm very familiar with the Carnton. My daughter got married there last year. It is truly a beautiful place and your post brought back fond memories!
These are wonderful images with a lingering sadness about them. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Great photos and I loved reading about the history.
Walking in a cemetery park I'd probably do - especially like this one and knowing how those soldiers risked their lives for one's country but definitely not at night :-)
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
My dear man would LOVE to have been with y'all on this tour....he's a Civil War Buff. I'll have to get him in here with me so he can view the photos too.
My Wordful/Outdoor Wednesday is all about something that was 'taken from our yard'. But at our request. Happy Wednesday to you.
I am so thankful there are places like this that honor those who have made such great sacrifices.
Thanks for sharing today.
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
Beautiful photos. Thank you for the tour!
Thank you for the wonderful photos. I enjoyed them since we do not travel much. Sandi
Great photos! Thanks so much for the tour!
I have no idea why except that I appreciate history, but I love to visit old cemetaries. We have several here in Marietta, GA due to the Civil War and it's always just amazing to see the memorials and burial grounds. Thank you for the tour,your photos were very nice.
It's so hot here too, we all have sun poisoning from swimming and we were wearing sunscreen too.
so peaceful, thanks for sharing
Lovely photos...a good place to visit and reflect on what the Fourth is really about.
Have a happy OW!
Great photos, thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful and safe 4th and "OW".
Glenda, thank you for sharing these photos. I very much enjoyed reading the history of the McGavock Confederate Cemetery.
You live in such a lovely area! I hope there is some relief from the heat soon. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. xo~m.
Old cemeteries fascinate me. Thanks for sharing your photos of this wonderful place.
Thank you for taking me along on your visit.
What great photos, thanks for the tour. I hope you are staying cool. I have to say it has not been very hot here in north central PA.
Thanks for sharing and visiting.
Hello Glenda!
I always enjoy strolling through old cemeteries. Thanks for the tour and happy O.W. and 4th of July to you!
Love the formal garden. The shrubs are so pretty and I love the white fence.
Luckily we are getting a break in the heat this week, but it has been a heat index of over 100 all last week.
Try to stay cool and thanks for taking us on this trip, have a great OW!
What great photos- looks like a really fun place to visit! Thanks
What a regal place of history.
Thank you for sharing this with us all-
Enjoyed visiting,
In light of the holiday weekend, this was very thought provoking to think about our independence and freedom. thank you.
Wonderful pictures! I visited there in May when my mom was here. You'll have to let me know when you come again...we have a darling new shop on Main St. that just opened, it's called Lulu! Full of beautiful cottagey things. Have a wonderful 4th! Hugs, Victoria Lynn
Wonderful photos. Happy 4th of July.
Joyce M
Soo interesting, Glenda!
I did enjoy the tour! What a lovely place and rich with history.
Hope it cools off for you soon!
Hope it's cooled off your way and you have a super w/k.
Happy Fourth my friend,
hugs ~lynne~
So sorry about your horrible heat. I'm not a good heat person so I really, really sympathize! This is the first time I've been to your blog and your pictures are so pretty! I'll definitely be back!
Thanks for stopping by on Outdoor Wednesday!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
Hi Glenda,
I'd love to live in Franklin -- so much history! Did you know that Civil War history is the number one reason tourists from other countries visit Tennessee? I would have assumed it was to visit Music City, Graceland, Beale Street, etc.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comment.
Hope your week goes well.
Warm regards,
Love your photos. I love to visit cememtaries. So much history, so many stories......
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