I made a trip to HL the first of last week looking for something in particular (which I did not get as did not have a 40% off coupon), but did check out the sale section. Only a few Christmas decorations were left and was 90% off. A lot of what was left was broken or kinda/sorta tacky looking, but I did get 2 boxes of ornaments and some clear red large bulbs. I don't have any strings of large bulbs - so why did I buy these you ask? I thought they would look good in an apothecary jar during the holidays. Actually I wished I had gotten some more, but they are probably gone by now.
Final Price -
I also bought a couple of things at Cracker Barrel for 70% off, but have not yet taken photos - I need to get busy.
Be sure and visit Leigh to see what "thrifty buys" she and the other participants have to share with us this week.
We are having temps in the 50's - low 60's this week (with rain), but back to Winter starting Monday.
A few days before Christmas, I found it necessary to activate "comment moderation". Then due to a differnt type of issue, I feel I should not accept comments from "Anonymous" readers at this time. To the legitimate readers that have commented as "anonymous" - I apologize. While skipping (skipping my foot! I don't even walk very well these days) thru "blogland" these days, it appears I am not the only one having to deal with some unwelcome visitors.
Hope everyone is having a good week!
ETA:Maybe I need to explain - I don't have a problem with constructive criticism. What I do have a problem with is, those out there leaving comments with "Links" to another site trying to use my blog site for advertising purposes, for sites that I consider "undesirable" and/or "unsafe" websites, and some other issues I don't care for.
Yes, the ornaments will look great in an apothecary jar... great deals! Lezlee
Looks like a great buy to me! I'm sure you can find something to do with those great bargains. Welcome back!
Glenda-I did hear someone else complain as well...that is too bad. Looks like you found some deals...good for you!
I have a giveaway posted today...check it out!
You did get some great deals. I found some at Cracker Barrel after Christmas as well.
What a deal! They will surely look good in an apothecary jar...Christine
Glenda-I have seen some cute projects with those big bulbs. At that price you can MAKE something up!!!I never partcicipate in Thrify Thursday! I may have to pull out the Duffin Dollar bag! Sorry about your commenters-grrrrr :(
Glenda-I have seen some cute projects with those big bulbs. At that price you can MAKE something up!!!I never partcicipate in Thrify Thursday! I may have to pull out the Duffin Dollar bag! Sorry about your commenters-grrrrr :(
I was at Goodwill today and they had so much Christmas stuff but I already put my things away. Can't wait to see what you got at Cracker Barrel - I love their little store.
Yes, I've gotten a few mean Anonymous comments lately but just deleted them.
Those ornaments are pretty Glenda and I love Cracker Barrel, I need to get to one of those again sometime. Cindy
Dang girl! Your racked up! I love the idea with the red bulbs. I'll have to keep that in mind ;o)
Hi Glenda -
Great bargains....great idea for the red bulbs. Sorry about your annonymous commenters, I did notice just yesterday that there were some blogs plagued by them also.
Great deals, I usually buy extra Christmas decorations, because I always give my daughter Christmas decorations, so she can build her collection. Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you are feeling better. Sorry you have been having problems, I had some unwanted comments and had to do the same.
You scored ! I didn't find anything hardly left after x-mas this year...but I was being good..
Great buys! I love a bargain.
I didn't even venture out the day after Christmas. I cannot stand how rude people are these days. Just didn't feel like fighting the crowds. You did good on your shopping.
Glenda, I have had that problem too, but only on past posts and I have set up approvals for comments on past posts for that reason. Too bad. :(
Looks like you did pretty good on your bargains!
I like the idea of using the large red bulbs in a jar. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
I know what you mean about unwanted comments, I had a problem several month's ago, but it wasn't an anonymous commenter, she had her name and her nasty website listed. So I just blocked her. She was from Hong Kong. So far all that has posted as anonymous have been very nice.
Hello Glenda, I am having the same problem with anonymous and unwelcome visitors too. I need to do something
like a word verification. I have about 5 a day.
Looks like you found some good deals.
Those are great finds, Glenda! I agree with yiyu about the problem of unwanted comments - it's just spam, really, isn't it, and it's most unwelcome.
Wow that's my kind of shopping! Can't beat that price.
Nice! I love after holiday clearance. :-) Great finds!
I missed out on all the after Christmas sales. You found some great things, Glenda.
I was watching the weather this morning and see 63 predicted for Memphis...wish it would wing it's way north!:-)
Ooooooo that header picture is stunning!
Love the little red bulbs! No HL here in my area 'tho. :(
I have been bombarded with "anonymous" spam comments for a couple months...mostly on one particular old post. Sometimes I get as many as 6 or 8 spam comments a day on it. (I wish I understood why they are targeting that post. ???) I do have comment moderation on for posts older than 7 days so these unsavory comments are not getting posted but still...just plain annoying that I have to deal with them in the first place...and then have to spend time rejecting them.
Hi Glenda, wow, these are great finds!
You are not alone...with the comment problems. I had a link left on my blog that jarred me to my core. Very, very sad!
I am so jealous you live by a Hobby Lobby! I love that store but we don't have any here in CA. I go directly there when I visit my mom in CO!
Great finds!
Those ornaments are oh so pretty!! And what a steal!!
Glenda, I can't believe they still had those pretty ornaments. What a deal! And how clever to think of putting those red bulbs in a jar for decor. I think I'm getting 2 or 3 of those anon. advertisers and foreign language comments a day. Wonder why they have all of a sudden started hitting our blogs. Grrrr. laurie
You got some great buys there!
Those glass balls are gorgeous! What a great deal you found.
So sorry you're having unwelcome guests! How rude!
Looking good with those 90% off goodies...love the ornaments!
I LOVE after Christmas sales! They are so hard to resist! You found some great items.
wish I had a HL in my hometown. Nearest one is about 45 min, away. Love those after christmas deals. Way to go. Blessings, Marla
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