Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dab of This and That

Hope everyone has had a good week, and enjoying the milder temps in most parts of the country.

I have seen a lot of pretty Fall decorations around "blogland". Would love to report that I have decorated for Fall also and have pictures to post, but that is not going to happen today.
I have not even started - It seems like I just put all that away.

I did finish a necklace that I have been working on. Bought these glass beads some time ago, and could never decide what to do with them. Ended up spacing them with crystal seed beads, also added some larger czech crystals and this is the end result.
I think the beads are pretty with the raised roses on them.
I am linking with Cindy @ "Show and Tell Friday"
and Laurie @ "A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday"
Be sure and visit Cindy and Laurie to see what they and the others have to share this week.

Walked out the door few days ago, and this character was right outside my door and I almost stepped on him - ewww! Actually I have almost stepped on him a couple of times. He is the same one that has been hanging out in the courtyard for a while now. I can walk right up to him, and the flash on the camera does not phase him at all. He seems to stay in one corner more, and I think it is because it is shaded. There is no water , so not sure why he is staying around.

Just another Dab of This and That! :-D

ETA: Still waiting on new Granddaughter!


susan said...

Glenda-Those raised roses are beautfiful and really different. Love the colors! I thought today was the day. Keep us posted. Prayers for all :)

Anonymous said...

I love the necklace! The beads are just beautiful. Still waiting for that new grandbaby I see. Hopefully, it will be soon ;o)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Pretty necklaces Glenda!
And I think he just loves you and wants to stick around! hehe.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is such a pretty necklace. Love those beads! I haven't started on fall decos either! Maybe next week??

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Hey Glenda! Wasn't the weather perfect last week?!! I actually got some much needed yard work done! Now back to the humidity! I love your necklace! Those beads are so pretty! I've been working on some things myself. Still haven't found the time to blog about anything. I just saw where your daughter is having a baby this week!! Congratulations! can't wait to hear the birth announcement! You take care and God Bless! Lauralu :)

Sue said...

What a pretty necklace. It is so dainty, I really like the beads. It felt like fall here today. I had the air off finally and the door open most of the day. This morning I walked outside and it felt brisk! I wish it would stay just like this.

erin's art and gardens said...

love the pretty! best wishes that the baby will come soon, for everyones sake. waiting has to be so hard! another cool-ish day today...yippie!!
have a good weekend,

Donna said...

Your necklace is just gorgeous! I love anything with crystals, and the rose beads are beautiful, too. Great job! Saw you over at Show & Tell Friday :)

The Green Pea said...

Glenda, you make gorgeous necklaces with the beads and crystals that you find. Have a great weekend. Hugs, sandi

Laura said...

Glenda-how pretty!
Your necklace is lovely.
I love jewelry as you probably know.

White Spray Paint

Anonymous said...

First time to your site ....I like it.
I see the picture of your frog ( I guess he is considered yours?). My son, Joshua, was terrified of frogs.

We lost him in a car accident 7 years ago. Needless to say everytime I see a frog it brings back memories.

DEB said...

Love all your jewelry. This necklace is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely necklace. Love those raised roses!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Lovely necklace! I'm sure you're thinking in pink these days :) Good luck to your daughter and that new, soon-to-be granddaughter!

The Old Parsonage said...

Ohh that necklace is lovely.


Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I love this necklace with the soft pink beads and flowers. Very soft looking and sparkly too:-) I think you're going to have to give that little frog a name.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Gloria, that necklace is so pretty. Love the roses on those beads. I'm not surprised your friendly little frog likes your courtyard so much. It is a charming place to live. Thank you for linking up. laurie

Donna Lynn said...

When it is hot and humid out, it sure does not feel like fall, since your in the south you don't have to decorate for fall till it cools down to at least 75'!! : ) there does that make you feel better? You sure made a beautiful necklace, and man, I bet your so excited for the new baby girl!

Have a lovely weekend, and thanks so much for stopping by to see me!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Glenda, I've had so much fun catching up with you in reading quite a few of your posts. Hope that baby comes soon.:)

Such a beautiful necklace, love the roses. Happy weekend! xo Lidy

Anonymous said...

Hi Glenda,
I love the necklace. Looks like you're thinking about pink. I hope your granddaughter comes soon if she's not here by now! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Au Revoir,

xinex said...

The necklace is so adorable, Glenda. The color is very sweet....Christine

Paula@SweetPea said...

Beautiful necklace! I love the floral beads that you used.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

A little birdie told me it's your Birthday! Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!

Decorating Lady's Humble Abode said...

Happy Birthday Glenda, This is your day enjoy it to the fullest. Put your feet up, lean back, and take it easy. Like the song says " they say its your birthday dadadada"

mustard seeds said...

Pretty, pretty necklace. Can't wait to hear about your new grand. Keep us posted.