To big for their bowl ?!? No problem - they will be used up very quickly. Yes - That is a vintage pyrex dish. It was given to me new as a gift "umpteen" dozen years ago. Oh my! How times does fly!
I had planned to go to the the farmers' market yesterday, but by the time I ran other errands I was "over" dealing with the heat. Instead, I went to a local owned produce store that does carry local grown when it is available. The "Big" plus - they have air conditioning and the farmers' market does not. They also carry some pickled veggies and cheeses that I like.

Bought some shelled purple hull peas so needed some chow chow to go with them, and little pickled ears of corn are pretty tasty with fresh veggies also. I don't eat many jams/jelly type products (because I don't do breakfast much), but a jar of orange marmalade jumped in my basket. They had fig preserves also, so may go back and get some of those.
Needed a little fruit and of course the bananas are not local, but why one peach? It is local, but it does NOT have a wonderful peach smell like the ones I bought recently at a roadside stand, also seemed kinda pricey. Hummm - We will see.
Good food is so photogenic don't you think ? :) The things that had to be refrigerated had already been put away, so it missed the photography session. :-D
Click on picture to enlarge.

Linking up with Mary @ "Mosaic Monday"
Have a great week! It is going to be another HOT one here.
Yes! The best part of summer is eating local produce! Lucky me my husband will go.
I sure try to, but really need to get to the farmers market here in town. The produce from the grocery store isn't nearly as good...seems like it goes bad so fast. You've made me hungry:-)
Just nothing better than fresh veggies, no if's, and's, or but's about it! Oh, if only you lived a little closer, I could supply you with all of the fig and strawberry fig preserves your sweet little heart would desire. For two years now, YES, I said TWO years, I have put up fig and strawberry fig preserves because hubby insisted!! Only to find out that he doesn't eat either one if there is anything else available. Our neighbor across the street (an old man)insist that hubby pick his figs every year, so hubby thinks I should put them up. Gave all of the plain fig preserves to bro-n-law, and not a jar of the strawberry fig has been opened, except for what I have given away!! Well, you can just use your imagination as to what hubby was told the other day when he walked in with bucket's of figs for me to put up! There was no preserves made here with them. Just crazy I tell ya, to put all of that stuff up as costly and time consuming as it is, and he doesn't even eat it, and I certainly don't. Sorry for the rant, lol, you said fig preserves, and it just brought it on!!!
Oh yes, fresh veggies from the garden and for the first time, our community has a farmer's market on Thursdays.
Yes, indeed, good food makes for a great mosaic!
well, i love nothing better than fresh from the market.......but going there in this heat is like torture!! it's all i can do to keep my tomato plants watered. i am ready for fall.
Love you foodie shots. Going to be hot as well. Try to stay cool.
Yummy stuff!!! Like you, I'm really tired of the heat and humidity. Have a beautiful week!!!
It all looks wonderful Glenda. We saw a farmers mkt in my old hometown Saturday, but we were running late for lunch with classmates, so didn't stop. I thought maybe we could stop on the way back out of town, but it was closed.:-(
Love your beautiful veggies and fruits. It is wonderful to visit the local produce stands this time of year. Great mosaic and photos. Have a wonderful week!
I love the way you used the market produce to make your still lifes. Great mosaics!
My tomatoes don't talk, but I think I heard a bunch of grapes singing and old Dean Martin song yesterday....
I love a Farmers' Market, and yesterday I bought jams and jellies (the sort I won't make myself) and was very happy, indeed!
Oh I love to see all the natural yumminess.
Eating as much fresh as we can find. I love fresh fruit and veggies. We haven't had time to get to the peach orchard yet, but we hope to go on the weekend. Southern Illinois peaches are really almost as good as a GA peach. We spent all day Saturday outside at the household item auction of the in-law's things. Only about 25 people braved the heat and we are just hoping that we don't owe the auctioneer money on this one. It was hot, boring and long with the only result being the stuff is gone. We had a visitation last night and one on Wednesday...both friends losing their fathers. I guess this is just what happens at this age, but it certainly isn't a fun way to spend the summer:( Another hot week here too!
It's been so hot here lately that I haven't felt like visiting my favorite farmers' market either. You're lucky to have an indoor place to buy local produce! The tomatoes look wonderful and also the pickled veggies.
Everything looks so yummy and healthy, Glenda...Christine
I went to a farmer's market last weekend and found all sorts of goodies. Love fresh tomatoes and peaches! I bought way too much stuff from a vendor who has a restaurant. Her food was wonderful, but rather expensive. Those things "jumped" in my bag, too! Love your blue Pyrex casserole, Glenda. :-) Sue
Although I don't do the summer "heat very well," I do love summer produce. No garden at The Old Parsonage this year, but there are several roadside stands that I visit all the time.
And... I adore orange marmalade - it's my favorite!
Love that sweet shade of blue pyrex.
Hi Glenda, I thought of you today as I met a gal at the band camp named Glenda. I said Oh I have a friend that name. We are enjoying fresh home grown veggies this year. We do not have a garden but friends of ours do...nothing like fresh tasty fruits and veggies, and yes you are right they are very photogenic.
Hi there, thanks for finding me and leaving a comment! LOVE your produce pics, yummy. We sure try to eat local and organic, wherever we travel to as well. It's the best. Have a great summer! Riki
Mmm... these veggies look so delish! I love the ones with the talking bubbles coming out! They put a smile on my face! :) Robyn
I love this post Suzie - I made purple hull peas for supper last night. The heat keeps me out of the kitchen. It was 103 degrees here yesterday. I hope this comment posts.
Where is this market you speak of? You are right, the farmer's market is HOT...went today, but didn't stay long.
Hi Glenda,
Oh yes! Our friend from Maggie Valley with the hotel (and a great garden) just brought us down a huge sackful of red and yellow tomatoes, potatoes, beans, and peppers. The yellow tomatoes were to die for!!! I am gonna be so spoiled going into this winter from all the great produce we've had this summer. It looks like you might me eating some delicious fresh produce too!
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