This is a mosaic of some pictures I have taken around the neighborhood the last couple of weeks, when walking. Well - With the exception of the one in the middle. No, that is not a bird - it is a huge bumble bee ! There is a nest under the carport next to my courtyard, and every Spring and Summer I have to share my outdoor living space with them. Some of them are HUGE ! This has been going on for years, and luckily I have not been stung yet. There are quiet a few of them and I just dodge them when I am outside, I am more afraid of the wasps that are out there now.
Click on the mosaic to enlarge the pictures.

and Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer for "Outdoor Wednesday".
Thanks Mary and Susan for hosting again this week.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Beautiful mosaic Glenda.
We were waiting for the cooler temps while we were in TN. As soon as we left the temps dropped. That happens to us a lot. We planned trips to MN and WI when temps were to be cool and it was hot...this was in the Fall when it was supposed to be cool...J is a happier traveler at 65 degrees.LOL
We were down in the low 30's overnight! Brr...
Enjoy your garden!
Brrrrrr it was cold here too !
Love your mosiac...I really love your header too !
Watch out for that bumble bee!
Beautiful pictures! Those bees would scare us to death and keep us indoors for sure. I hope you can find a remedy for them.
It has been cold here in Kansas City too- getting down in the low 30s at night, and Mr. NaM refuses to turn on the furnace! BRRRR!
I see some beautiful flowers there Glenda! When our apple trees come into full blossom, the bees are just down right scary!
Part of the process I guess.
Hugs, Cindy
It's been beautiful here in TN. Yes, it did just get cooler. Spring is my favorite time of the year and your pictures show why! What beautiful flowers. My Iris are blooming, the flowering almond just stopped. My Peonies are budding out. The Azealas are in full bloom. Love it.... Thank you for the wonderful mosaic.
Just beautiful! I love those BIG bumblebees! The ones here are very docile and so lovely...they look like velvet!
Oh, I love your mosaic! Hope you have a lovely new week!
What a pretty mosaic.
That sure does look like a bird; you must have really healthy bees where you live. :-)
What a wonderful time of year it is! Beautiful colors with a gorgeous blue sky you captured. ~jeanne
What a wonderful time of year it is! Beautiful colors with a gorgeous blue sky you captured. ~jeanne
Glenda, why don't you have someone come in and take care of the bee's so you don't have to deal with them?
Lovely mosaic! I hear you on the cold nights. It's been cold here for the past few days.
We have two very large bees that have their nests in the ground at the base of our front porch. They have bee territory battles and are very funny to watch.
Great mosaic!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Now that is one lovely mosaic. How did you make it, with what program?
Beautiful mosaic. We've been really cold here in NE Ohio the past couple days!!!
I guess it's good news there are bumblebees again this year! You must live in a lovely neighbourhood.
Love the mosaic. It has been cool here as well, hopefully this week the temperature will rise a bit. Have a great week and take care:)
Looks like you have really been enjoying the outdoors. Every picure is just beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.
So nice -
I like how you used a photo for your back ground.
That bee looks like the size of those wood boring ones. They are scary!
Beautiful colors! Enjoy the spring.
Thanks for sharing your spring blooms. Your header is so awesome. Valerie
Beautiful blooms in your mosaic. Walks are wonderful -- especially lovely ones like this!
Wonderful spring photos and usually a bumble bee will not bother you like wasps and yellow jackets.
Oh how beautiful!!! It's been a little chilly here in NJ this weekend, but the flowers have been especially lovely. Thanks for sharing at MM. :)
I love the mosaic and also the wisteria in your header.
Beautiful job.
Those are gorgeous pictures! I always get confused to bumble bees and carpenter bees, both big!~
I love the mosaic... just beautiful! It is much cooler here tonight too!
Have a good week!
Pretty mosaic! I'm with you, the wasps are the worst, but those giant bees that buzz around scare me, too!
So beautiful mosaic!
Happy Mosaic Monday..Luna
Lovely mosaic, that bee looks huge.
Everything looks really pretty. Exercise and beauty - can't ask for better than that.
Hi Glenda,
Love that blue sky!
Your neighborhood looks beautiful. Love the mosaic.
I love the flower pictures and the blue background makes them all look very special. We are just getting started here in no. Illinois with spring so I so enjoy seeing in on your blog. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere
Beautiful mosaic. That bee is huge. Hope your stingless experience continues :0)
Lovely mosaic...aren't we all glad to see spring again..the wisteria in your header stole my heart.
Love them...
Oh, and my name is...
Glenda too.
happy day....
Love all your spring blooms and the your pretty mosaic! I've been seeing huge bumble bees too.
You know it's a big bumblebee when the photographer has to explain that it's not a big bird!
what beautiful flowers isn't spring fabulous this year ..
hugs from Savannah, Cherry
I haven't been around much. I wanted to come by and say hello. Hope you are doing well. Hugs
Wow, Glenda! That is a huge bumble bee! The flowers are gorgeous!...Christine
What pretty pictures! I love the colorful flowers, it's so nice that spring is here!
Just gorgeous, Glenda.
Gorgeous Spring florals!! Oh... and I guess we must deal with the "flying buggies" too!! That one is pretty big! I think I would have freaked and had my hubby knock the nest down. I know ... kinda mean.... but I am deathly afraid of being stung! Keep on dodging!!! Hugs!
I'm a first time visitor and I just loved the mosiac and beautiful flowers you have shown us!
Hi Glenda! What beautiful spring flowers! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week and leaving such sweet birthday wishes for me. Your pretty post makes me want to go outside and garden! Have a beautiful evening ~ xo Joy
Hi Glenda! What beautiful spring flowers! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week and leaving such sweet birthday wishes for me. Your pretty post makes me want to go outside and garden! Have a beautiful evening ~ xo Joy
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