THAT GREEN STUFF: I just know I wasted $5 for an "Express" car wash today, but the "green stuff" took over my car. Had to turn on the windshield washer to see where I was going when left out today, and I looked like a "green alien" going down the street the last several days, so bit the bullet! I have a feeling it will be coated with that "stuff" again in the morning. After the "green stuff" , then the tree "squiggles" (not the technical name for them) that fall out of the oak trees and make a mess. Ahhh! The joys of Spring! I prefer to deal with the "green stuff" and "squiggles" any day over cold, snow and ice. Ahhhhh Chooo!!!!!
Off to bring in these pretty babies in for the night!
Just noticed a couple of typing errors - just pretend you don't see them!!!!! OK !!!!!
Don't know how much I will be around the next several days as my Daughter and a couple of Grands will be here next week for a few days (Spring break).
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Gorgeous photos and bring those sweet talking plants inside. :)
Enjoy your Spring Break with family.
Hi Glenda! Wow! Are those over by Briarcrest? I love wisteria! Your pictures are so cute! I'm still cleaning the beds out! I did plant a columbine and some dutch iris a friend brought me! I just now got my own door basket for spring up! I'll have to post some pics! God Bless! Lauralu :)
Oh Glenda I'm so glad you took this picture...I just show it to my Len and he loved it girl...He planted one for me 8 years ago and it blooms 2 times a spring and on my BD in July...thanks again...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Glenda, that photo in your header is gorgeous! It looks like it was taken by a professional photographer. What a sight to go see! Love your talking plants. Mine would probably tell me to get my brown thumb away from them! laurie
Your header looks awesome Glenda! And I agree 100% about the green/squiggles over the cold, especially after this winter! Allergies are in full swing ova hea, but I'mnot complaining. Just enjoying the weather!!
p.s. your plants are gorgeous!
Love that photo. What an awesome sight. Green, squiggles, and don't forget the 'helicopters' from maple trees. You bet! So much better than snow & ice. Achoo!
That wisteria is amazing! What a beautiful shot you got!
You are so funny! Love the talking plants!!
We have wisteria about to pop open. Can't wait!
Your header is stunning! There really isn't much prettier than wisteria. The pollen here in Florida is off the charts. I finally ordered my allergy meds...thank goodness for Walgreens!
Wow! Amazing Wisteria! When they say it is invasive it really is but it sure is pretty. OMG, Glenda, you wouldn't believe the tree tassles that invaded our deck and pool. It turend the pool green and we just got it back to normal today. It kept clogging the pump. I was continuously sweeping the deck. Glad it finally stopped coming down last night. Your post is so cute...Christine
Talk about natural beauty! Those silos are gorgeous. We have wisteria along our back porch, but it doesn't compare!
Enjoy your day!
So cute and whimsy...I love all your little cartoon blurbs too!
Glenda love the name..hubby is Glenn..Oh to have all those purple trailing flowers somewhere in my garden! The ones in your header image!!
Love the bunny pot...nice meeting you!
LOVE YOUR NEW header. Love wisteria. What a funny thing them growing all over the silos like that. What was the green slime????
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