4/24/10: I started this post yesterday, got sidetracked (that happens a lot these days) and never got back to it and was late turning the computer on this morning due to the "Loverly Weather" that came thru! When I say "Loverly Weather", believe me I am being very sarcastic. We needed the rain, but not all the FIREWORKS that came along with the rain.
Anyway - I took some of the pictures I had taken around the neighborhood and put together this mosaic. I will call it " Symphony in White". How about that for a name ! :-D
Click the mosaic then click again to enlarge the photos.

Remember this character that is one of several that occupy the air space over my courtyard? Wellll - one landed on the fence very close to me a couple of days ago, and I got a good look at him or her. It turns out, it is a Carpenter Bee, not a Bumble Bee. No matter what it is, just hope they continue to leave me alone.
I want to say "Welcome" to all the new Readers (Followers) that have joined. I will tell you what I tell everyone else - Hope I don't get to boring for you. :-D I do have a tendency to "ramble" sometimes (well, maybe a lot).
I had a couple of other things that I was going to "ramble" about today, but according to "Dave" the weather man, another round of "Loverly Weather" is coming thru. Soooo - guess I will shut this computer down "again" and go find something else to play with.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Hi Glenda...we had thunderboomers and tornadoes up here last night and rain again today. So far no lightning today. I shut down the desk top last night. I'm on my laptop today.
We had cedar trim on our house at the farm. The porch was 60 feet long and there were posts and rails all along the length. The carpenter bees ate holes all through the posts and trim. They love cedar. We could sit on the porch and they would never bother us. However, the Barn Swallows who nested at the top of the trim would attack us, if they had babies in their nests! If it ain't one thing it's another.
Hope your weather improves!! They say ours will be better after tomorrow.
The flowers are gorgeous Glenda! We've had a lot of rain today, but no storms. Stay safe!
I love thunderstorms - the louder the better. We don't get enough here in North Idaho. Feel free to send us your extra.
Hi Glenda, love your whites!
Sadly, they did cancel the Main St. Festival for today. I believe they will still have it tomorrow. I feel so bad for the vendors who planned and set up for it and then had to leave it for the day.
Great mosaic, love all the white blooms!
We had severe storms yesterday in our area ... today the sun is shining!
Your beautiful white blooms are gorgeous!
Hi Glenda -
Lovely photos. I'm still not used to the weather here in Idaho....we had a beautiful day last week, sunshine in the 70's then in a blink of an eye, dark skies, wind, lots of wind, rain and thunder! So much wind, I watched a poor little bird get blown into the side of the barn (he's ok)but it was a lot of wind.
Hi Glenda--
The white flowers are georgeous. White flowers are my favorites. Gardenias, magnolias, lilies, jasmine---
Hope you stayed safe and sound yesterday. It's getting hot and muggy here in FL.--but looks like the severe stuff is staying north of us.
Lovely white blooms. Have a great week!
Lovely white flowers! Crazy weather in alot of spots! Sheesh - hang in there!
The mosaic is beautiful, wish I had your rain. It is very dry here in my part of Southern Ontario. Have a wonderful week.
Very beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful new week!
Thanks for stopping by, it's been a while, I've been a little fickle in my blogging. I have just been going through and enjoying all your beautiful blooms, of course the white is my fav. Hope we talk soon.
" Symphony in White " indeed very pretty.. Happy Monday!
hugs from Savannah, Cherry
I love your Symphony in White. Very pure and beautiful. We had that Loverly Weather here, too, yesterday. A tornado touched down about 10 miles from my home. Tomorrow will be clean up the debris in the yard day. Glad you didn't get blown away.
Glenda-I almost went to take a picture of that!!! Isn't it gorgeous? The weather kept us all up and down last night :(. I posted a picture of the necklace I was telling you about! Carpenter bees don't sting do they?? But they will eat your deck!!!
Hi Glenda... Your white mosaic is soo pretty! I hope your weather improves and gets back to neighborhood walking weather!
Hi Glenda,
I read this morning about a mile wide tornado tearing through Mississippi and leaving a major swath of destruction. I hope things are not so wild where you are. Your white flowers are lovely.
I love all the white you found in your neighborhood. Hope the weather has calmed down in your area.
Lovely mosiac. We could use some of your rain though. It is getting pretty dry here. Valerie
I'm trying my best to send you some lovely weather! Oh, but what beautiful flowers.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great pictures!
Sorry about the weather! We have been watching!
Hi Glenda, It's always good to see you at junkblossoms. I look forward to your comments. It's like a note from an old friend. I don't mean "old" but.. OH, you know what I mean. lol.
We've had the storms too. They barrel right though Tennessee. Usually TX and then Mississippi and Alabama and then us. Thankfully we missed the worst of it all. The storms had gotten it out of their systems by the time they got here. God is Good. Blessings Pat.
Beautiful white mosaic here!!! And as for that bee...I thought it was a Hummingbird! Yikes.
Take care (and take cover),
You don't ramble...I love reading what you write. The white flowers are gorgeous...the bee, not so much.
We had storms over the weekend too...nothing too serious but all those crazy warnings!
Love the white flowers, Glenda! Very petty! We've been having bad weather too but today is sunny but windy.....Christine
Stopping by from Mosaic Monday! Beautifuu White Flowers, I am not sure what they smell like - but I am imagining something heavenly! Is that wysteria in your header? wow! So pretty!
Be careful with those wood bees. I sat on my deck and within a 20 minute time period - it had bored a hole right in my deacons bench. I ended up putting hot sauce of all things inside the hole and it left - but came back to bore another hole! They can be very destructive!
Valerie @
http:///www.Intelligentexpressions.blogspot.com (scripture a day)
http://favphotofri.blogspot.com/ (new meme starts 4.30)
and my mosaic is at http:www.composition-life.blogspot.com
we have totally welcomed the rain here in franklin (it was so dry), luckily it wasn't bad. i love your mosaic...i will have to learn how to do those, it looks like fun to make! any tips :0)
Hi Glenda! What a beautiful white Mosaic/ Seems the weather is strange everywhere these days. Boring, NEVER!!~ we all have something to share that is different:) How can that be boring? Have a great night!
I can't believe you captured a photo of that bee! That's too close for comfort for me. Beautiful mosaic. laurie
Love your "Symphony in White" mosaic, it is gorgeous! Great shot of the bee!
~ Tracy
Hi Glenda
Love your mosaic and bee photo. Such a bright blue sky! Springtime weather can change in an instant..stay safe!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
Glenda he flowers mosaic is lovely!!! Love the flowers!!!
Warm regards,
Love your pretty all white mosaic but that bee shot is SCARY!!! I hope they are not nesting in your home someplace. Their name comes from the fact that nearly all species build their nests in burrows in dead wood, bamboo, or structural timbers. Be on the look out!!
Love the pretty whites! I'm having troubles with those bees making nests on my garden shed... they're so annoying and the fight is hard!
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts, I really appreciated, Glenda!
Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing at MM. :) Sorry about the weather!
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