After doing a little research on my
new toy, I decided a work station was the way to go. Found where HD had them in stock, so when out and about I decided I would check them out. Only 2 in stock and one box looked like it got run over by a train, so decided on the other. Got to checkout and the cashier told me if I applied for their credit card, I would get an instant $30 off my purchase - Works for me. Don't really want the credit card, so will take care of that situation later.
Later - same day thought I would get this little jewel put together and I would be ready to roll.

Took all the parts out and lined them up, open manual, read as instructed....
Hmmmm! About as clear as mud.
Decided the instructions were not written by someone who.............
Well - anyway, I picked up some of the parts and went to the computer and typed in how to assemble a .............................

Watched video on youtube - one small problem (actually not small) "they" show the piece that attached to the stand as sliding on very easy -
Mine did not and had to be forced. When reading others reviews, I saw where I am not the only one that had the same problem - someone even said they had to use a hammer to force it on. By the time I got to that point, I had had enough and walked away.
Next Day: Another grey, dreary, wet Winter day, so gave it another try. Several minutes later, and Wal La!
Now just need to figure out how to use this thing. Would like to hear about anyone's first hand experience with one - especially when it comes to drilling items used in making jewelry.
Side Note: After I got the work station home and opened the box, it was obvious that it had been returned by someone - fortunately all of the pieces were in the box (I think). Have a feeling someone may have run into the same problems I did and gave up.
Why have I avoided referring to this new toy by its proper name? Simple - Would hate for someone looking for help on how to put together/operate one, to google the name and end up here and left as confused as I am.
Have a great weekend!
Oh, I'm scared just looking at it!
Oh my Glenda that thing would have been OUT the window. NO patience at all. And you actually read the instructions. I'm sorry:(
Don't you just hate when instructions are translated into English from another language and they don't make sense?! I go nuts when steps are out of order or don't make any sense at all! I'd love to see an American CEO attempt assembly of one of his company's products manufactured outside the USA with incomplete instructions. LOL
I wouldn't have attempted that piece of machinery :) You have more patience than me!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I'm so happy you finally got it all put together. I can sure feel your frustration and really admire your patience. Sometimes I give up on reading directions and just look at the universal You'll be having fun!!
Hmmm...I can't help you there. If something doesn't go together easily I usually do a hand off to Mr OP.
Have fun!
Congratulations on getting all put together. DH has had one for many years for his custom model railroad building. It does fine detail work, so I am sure that you will be doing wonders with your jewelry making.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
It looks complicated. What is it and what is it for, Glenda?....Christine
Oh my goodness it does look complicated, sure it will be worth the effort once you have got used to it.
Glenda I would have given up and returned it. I applaud your tenacity.
Oh how funny! I would never have thought of that, but you're right. People google that kind of stuff all the time. However, it might help them to know that somebody else had a hard time getting it together, but that you perservered and got it done! Congratulations! (I hate those directions that come in the boxes)laurie
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